How to build your first robot - Part III - Get a grip!

very NICE robot frist
very NICE robot frist

can you please give me the code.
can you please give me the code of how to make first robot-part 3

Sorry, I don’t know where

Sorry, I don’t know where it’s at. I am sure that I could find it if I digged really deep, but I tell you; You are 100 times better off writing your own code.

Reading someone elses code is extremely hard when you dont have the hardware. And when I make that kind of robots, my code is very unstructured, strange and long. It would be hardto read for myself :slight_smile:

If you read the instructions from part 1-3, you get the best that I have to give you, it’s all there :slight_smile:


Cool music…did you made it?

PS: Make Bernhard give different cups to the YDM…of course, they would have to be a little bit heavier!!!

What parts did you use to make Bernard?

robot arm question.

When a robot lift stuff like lifting a cup, how does it work with the programming? Sorry that I ask too much questions I apologize :frowning: I’m just kinda new to this website.

Programming moves servos,
Programming moves servos, servos move arms, arms pull together around cup, cup is held, servos are moved, cup is lifted :slight_smile:

What camera do you have

What camera do you have

The pictures was taken witn

The pictures was taken witn an old Canon G5.


oh my god, it’s the first time i saw this, looks very cute! love it! 5 tons!!!

please give me the coding…

i  tried to do this robot with my own coding…the actual problem is i don’t know how to differentiate cup and other obstacles.

this is my coding:

symbol trig = 3

symbol echo = 6

symbol range = w0

symbol range1 = w1

symbol  m1=w2


for  m1=75 to 225 step 10

servo 0,m1

pause 10

low portc 0

pause 10

pulsout trig,2

pulsin echo,1,range

pause 10

range = range*10/58

range1 = range

if range > 10 then

for b1 = 1 to range1

sertxd ("|")

if b1=range1 then



next b1



for b1 = 1 to range1


if b1=range1 then



next b1



next m1

goto  main


please give me the full coding for part III get a grip!!! its urgent…

Sorry, but as you can see,

Sorry, but as you can see, the post / project is from April 18, 2008- I do not have any parts or code laying about…

Object detecting sensor

sorry sir…But…just wanna ask

how could SRF05 identify aN object that is to be picked up or not??

and how would that sensor identify if an object (that it can carry) is at the right side or left?



sorry 'bout my question sir… i just didnt notice it above the answer that im asking for…

sorry sir!!.


Well, that is hard to just

Well, that is hard to just explain. It is a matter of taking several measurements and using a lot of logic, as you can best read in the code.

** 5 ton**

It begins, I have a tunnel hull boat that uses 2 servos but no programming… radio control. Too  m any batteries. I am new to website too