How to adjust the programming editor to a picaxe 28x1


in 7 easy steps!

this is made to help all the newbies who come to this site and jump into the "start here"project. -and by doung that, hopefully makes the amount of "HELP!! its says "hardware not found""-forum topics! :)

many of these newbies think: they can look at the walktrough's pictures, build their robot and copy-paste the program-code into the editor to then pres "F5" = ROBOT! :D

but then it says.. "ERROR! hardware not found!" ..because they DIDN'T READ THE MANUAL!!!

(remember to read the manual, part 1, 2 and 3)

if you are really lost in the editor here is how to find the manuals:


2 Steps…

Hit F5.

When the dialog box pops up saying you are on the wrong setting, click yes and change it.


Are there people who have not figured this out yet?

So I don’t have to reboot
So I don’t have to reboot and dress like a chicken? Hmm I guess I was doing it all wrong! :wink:

Do people not read the
Do people not read the manual or something??? Is this really a needed tip? Come on people, use the thing between your ears…

can we vote on that, and I’m
can we vote on that, and I’m already making the site!!!

I gotta back-up my boy, Voodoo on this one, yo. (All said with a kinda “hip-hop” accent)

I hate newbies!
I hate newbies!

BTW; Why the fck have they

BTW; Why the fck have they not made it auto-change into the right mode? (Or at least provide the option)

Often, when I work on 2 different bots at the same time, I have to swap and swap, it is so irritating! 2 computers then? Yes, but then if I want to copy-paste all the time…

The freaking editor knows that this is wrong, and knows how to set it right… Well… then do it already, you editor!

Let’s completely flame the

Let’s completely flame the next one!


Flamer model MKII set to
Flamer model MKII set to crispy!

come on you guys!i made this

come on you guys!

i made this to HELP others, newbies and especally non-newbies, so we dont have to take all that "help me, Ohh help me!"-s***

not for you to make fun off!, but to help others!!

I was just being stupid. I
I was just being stupid. I know this is a basic troubleshooting task but Im sure it will help someone. Worst case we have something to link to when people ask instead of having to repeat what has been said many times over. A lot of people refuse to read when they can just ask someone.

Well, if the picaxe editor

Well, if the picaxe editor had an auto detect we wouldn’t be having this discussion!! :smiley:

Anyway, this is why we should have a posting standard so that we don’t get the Oohhhh help me with this obvious and trivial question that if I had only looked in the manual, I wouldn’t be asking such an inane question…

I’m not making fun of it, it’s just frustration…

HAHA!! exactly what i

HAHA!! exactly what i mean! :smiley:

("…task but Im sure it will help someone. Worst case we have something to link to when people ask instead of having to repeat what has been said many times over. A lot of people refuse to read when they can just ask someone!")


How is this option different from using the pragma


in the top of your code? Just wondering…

i don’t think there’s
i don’t think there’s difference… we could broaden this walkthrough by adding information about those directives.

You could use
You could use this to make the computers share the same mouse, keyboard and clipboard :slight_smile:

you think if we all send an
you think if we all send an email to the picaxe company they might add an auto detect as a new update for the editor ?