Home made vacuum gripper

This gripper uses an inexpensive syringe as the vacuum source. A gripper is the final part of a robot and usually is used to grab an object. I thought to make a gripper wich can hold the things and carry them around. The gripper approaches the object to the suction cup, it create a vacuum and the object remains attached to the suction cup. At this point it can moved where you want. Eliminating the depression the object falls for gravity.The gripper will pickup any small light object that has a smooth exterior finish. On the market there are very few solutions that are affordable for a hobbyist.

Some components of Lego or Fischertechnik but they cost a lot of money. The solution I present is based on an idea from Lynxmotion and it is very cheap.

The gripper uses a simple and inexpensive servo (in my case the Futaba S3003 a) that costs around 10 euros. The other things are: a rectangle of PVC foam, a pipe and a connector for micro-irrigation that cost a few cents and a 20 cc syringe which costs about 10 cents. Some screw and clamps. The suction cup is made from an arrow. Having a baby has advantages, such as I can reuse his toys! We are quietly under 15 euros, an interesting result for a device of this type.

Surely we can not define the gripper as a force of nature, basically using a simple syringe and a servo to go up and down, but does its job. It can hold comfortably 200 grams for a long time. There are no particular complications, mechanical or electronic, so I leave the word to photos and video. Note that the cutting of PVC is made with a cutter and the holes are made on the PVC with a screw.

More pics here: http://robottini.altervista.org/237

vacuum gripper

  • Actuators / output devices: Syringe, Futaba S3003

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/home-made-vacuum-gripper



Just in time!

I was looking for an affordable vacuum pump but your project demonstrates that a seringe is perfectly fit for the job. Add a valve and a flexible “vacuum reservoir” and you can even make it hold an object indefinitely.

Simple, cheap and effective.

Simple, cheap and effective. Great!

It’s a good idea. Another

It’s a good idea. Another thing that could be tested is the ‘universal gripper’. I speak about this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d4f8fEysf8


I have seen a shorter demonstration of the “universal gripper” before. As you can hear in the video they also used a vacuum pump, maybe one could build a really simple version with some flour, a baloon, a piston and a servo… This is going to be so fun!

(btw, when I say posum I mean awesome)

Thats really cool, good

Thats really cool, good job.


I’m not sure that you can

I’m not sure that you can make this work with flour. I think they use coffee grind inside the balloon.

I have seen always coffee,

I have seen always coffee, never flour.

Remind me on this one:

Remind me on this one: https://www.robotshop.com/world/lynxmotion-vacuum-gripper-kit.html

I wrote: " The solution I

I wrote: " The solution I present is based on an idea from Lynxmotion". My gripper is based on this prototype: http://www.lynxmotion.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6562


Sorry, must have read over

Sorry, must have read over this sentence.

no problem!!!

no problem!!!