High school robotic arm and programming

I am a high school teacher and we are building a robot arm for a high school competition.  We need to pick up pennies and place them on a target.  We are building a simple arm using plans we found on instructible.com called "Teriarm"  It is based off of an ikea lamp.  We are using hobby servos to control the robot and I am reasonably comfortable with arduino.  We can program the arm in arduino but I would really like to take this to the next level and use a gui that would interface and program the robot arm.  Is there something out there that would do this already?  I kind of looked at lynxmotion and move it.   If anyone knows a project like this and a simple way to control and program the servo moves I would appreciate it.  

Arm GUI for Arduino

Unfortunately not aware of a gui for a robot arm which uses the Arduino IDE. Maybe someone else has seen one.

There are a few.

A google search found 3 on instructables.  Also i think FlowBotics can interface with arduino.

What are you using for a gripper?  I have trouble picking up pennies with my hands.



Why not use a PC and interface it with the Arduino. You can download VS 2015 Community for free and design some simple software that will send the signal to the Arduino to tell the servos what to do. Let me know if you would like to go this route and I will be happy to help you.