Help with servos not enabaling

ok i know i shouldent post the same qustion in to diff sections but this is a new problum im having after i got my brat working with the ps2 controler with bb2 and ssc-32 i built all my sequences in the sequencer the did a basic export but now i having issues with two servos. below is the post i made in ps2 controler help section

ok i thought my word table was messed up but after checking it over and over that’s not the problem with the steps. I hooked it all back up to the sequencer software and when i run it there i get the same thing. I started looking more closely to what the brat was doing. Two servos right hip (servo 18) and right knee (servo 17) are not working.
A look in the sequencer shows they are not enabled, if enable them all is well
but to no avale when ever i load up the program they still stay disabled until i go in and enable them. Ive tried redoing the servo setup but still get the same results. so my question is how do i keep these servos enabled like the rest, what might i be doing wrong?

Were the servos set to “enable” at the time you exported? If not then perhaps the exported program has them disabled, which would explain why it works in Sequencer and not on the BAP.

Try setting them to enable and then re-export and try again. You could save the exported program to a new file name, and then copy just the word table and past that on top of your existing program word table rather than starting over. I would make backup copies just in case this does not fix your problem.

i think i tried that but i will try that maybe did not do that.
souldint the servos enable when i run the sequenser program and load my configuration setings thow.

I’ve got an email to Laurent on this. Good news his internet will be installed this week! Wow it took a long time! :stuck_out_tongue:

if i may ask who is laurent and is this a known problum (im guessing)

thanks guys for all the help, did you all see the trouble i had over the weekend with my ssc-32 board (posted in the ssc-32 section) :angry:

Laurent is the author of the program you are using. There are no known issues with any of the programs from Laurent. It’s likely to have something to do with the bidirectional coms the program uses. It’s way more complex than you might think at first.

ok well i tried what sn96 suggested and it did not work the first time so had
a go at it one more time and it seems to have work so far i will test some more tonight and keep you all updated
thank you again to all the great help here