Help with servo

again with servos xD

Hi all…! I’ve tried to install the picaxe 28x1 on a remote controlled car. I’ve just set the motor of the back wheels and they work.but there’s a problem with the servo that controls the frontwheels (and makes them turn)…

this servo has only TWO wires (not 3 like others) … I’ve tried to connect it to ground and pin, and it take some voltage (it turn on the left, permanently)… but it doesn’t respond to commands… I’ve tried with a resistor… then a transistor… but it doesn’t work… help please T_T thanks

Are you sure it is a servo,
Are you sure it is a servo, and not a solenoid like in here?

So you are able to keep the

So you are able to keep the remote controll with the addition of the picaxe?

I will not apply r/c… for
I will not apply r/c… for now (I don’t know how it works… xD… but I will try in the future)

there are two wires, yellow

there are two wires, yellow and green…

when the G is on the ground, and the Y is on the pin, it turns on right

when the Y is on the ground, and the G is on the pin, it turns on left … and the picaxe28 has no program on…

so how can I set and control this thing…? O_o

Sounds like a solenoid to
Sounds like a solenoid to me… High on green pin and low on yellow or vise versa to make it steer. Low on both I assume is center.

100% sure, it’s a servo… I

100% sure, it’s a servo… I will post a photo soon


edit: 50 % sure… -_- …

Actually it sounds like just

Actually it sounds like just a regular motor, i.e. a servo with no control electronics. Is the steering “all or nothing”? Or can you just touch the wires to the battery quickly and have it turn just a little bit? If it’s “all or nothing” then it’s a solenoid, and you should use a relay to control it the way Frits did in his Wallracers. If it can be turned just a little bit, then it’s just a regular DC motor, and you’ll need an H-bridge (or motor driver chip like the L293D or SN754410) to control it.


all or nothing… so it’s a
all or nothing… so it’s a solenoid… than I’ll read his guide… thanx all xD (however I will take a photo)

sharp IR sensor not working

I have been working on the starter robot.  After hooking up the IR sensor, it gets warm and then does not work.  I have checked that it is installed correctly.  I have ordered new IR sensors because I think it is fried, but I am concerned about installing again with the same results.  I hae checked the solder connections, they look good.  The servo is working.  Any ideas

18 dof hexapod spider robot

Hello I am new to this. i have and put together the hexapod spider robot  with 18 servos and a lobot 32 channel controller board it came with no instructions so I followed another robot that looks the same but I can not get it to work. first of all I don’t know what type of power the servos take and the board takes.also I do not know how to wire it up to what pins on the board. also I need the software to get it to walk. herew is a pictur of the robot and board. any help would be greatful


thank you Dan DiGregorio You can email me at [email protected]