

…but I’m a scientist! Why would I want that imperfection!! It’s actually not as bas as it was. It’s caused by me switching the servo off rather than trying to hold it in place with power. So, the nick is caused by the back end of the bot lifting up and then relaxing. I reduced the effect slightly by making the pen travel slightly shorter.

The arty side of me wants to say that all the best fonts do have a “serif.”

No speakey Dutch
Sorry, I have no idea what that page is about. THIS is what Google thinks my reference is.

too many links spoils the reply
Yeah, we’re on the same page. I think…

as bad as it was

I were too late. The scientist (techy) in you had already taken over from the artist. May I suggest you rename your Harmenszoon?



This is brilliant! You’ve

This is brilliant!

You’ve built in 12 hours what I’ve been contemplating for months. Your pen up/down device gives me ideas for one of my own…

You may want to try ditching the built in servo electronics. I’ve found that using a 754410 hooked right up to the motors in the device that was once a servo works very well, and gives finer control over speed

On contemplation

If I’m honest, I’ve been contemplating it for about 20 years. We had a floor turtle in school and I had so many big ideas, but (as is typical when they show off cool stuff in school) time was short and the teacher really didn’t have a clue about it.

Now that I have budget for robotics, I have other responsibilities and therefore not enough time to explore things as deeply as I’d like. The next stage for this bot is an electronic compass, so it “knows” precisely what direction it’s pointing.

My mother-in-law bought me one last Christmas and it’s not out ofo the wrapper yet!!