
This is my first bot. It is built from the LMR Starter Bundle.

I hope to use this as a platform for a more complex bot that will be both autonomous and RF controled.

Right now my goal is to start building a better chasis and figuring out how I am going to run 4 motors from the PicAXE 28x1 on a 28 pin Project Board (AXE020).

Any Suggestions or Comments are more than welcome.

Navigate Around Via Sharp

  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Operating system: Picaxe Basic.
  • Power source: 3 AA Batteries
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: SHARP IR sensor
  • Target environment: In Doors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/h-pod

add another motor driver

add another motor driver


Ok, but how would I connect the motors to the board as it only has A & B slots for motors.

Btw, it is an 28 pin Project Board

I 2nd phozon’s note. You

I 2nd phozon’s note. You will need another motor driver.

Also consider that the Picaxe 28x1 only has 8 digital outputs, and four are needed to drive each dual h-bridge motor driver. That leaves no outputs for anything else.

That’s assuming you want independent control for four motors.

Motor Control

No I just need to be able to make 2 motors turn the same direction at the same time.

While independent motor control would be nice it is not necessary.

You would need an external

You would need an external (off-board) motor driver.

An alternative would be to find a motor controller that includes it’s own microprocessor and i2c support. Then you could free up i/o ports on the Picaxe and have dedicated processors driving the motors.

If  you want all four wheels driven, but you don’t need indepentent control for each, you could try something like DAGU’s Mr. Basic kit. That kit uses two motors, but mechanically links the wheels on each side of the bot (left front and left rear are linked, right front and right rear are linked). Then you only need one dual h-bridge, though you may need one that handles more current than the one in the start here robot kit.

4 wheel drive

I had considered mechanical linking 4 wheels to 2 motors or using tracks. I would definately need some more powerful motors, but it may be a much simplier solution.

This is my first bot so I’m trying to gather as much knowledge as I can before moving on to the mark 2

add more motors

Try the Seattle Robotics Club web site . they sell a sumo bot there, but they also sell a special  “Y” cable to run 2 servos off of 1 port

correction on my last post

  SORRY, my info was wrong in my post yesterday.  if you are using servo’s to drive your robot the “y” cable can be found here-

  www.junun.org/markIII/store.jsp  they have large selection of stuff you may find of intrest for your bot. again sorry about my other post, I had a long day at work and was tired when I posted yesterday.