GUI v2

How did you make your PCB?

How did you make your PCB? Did you use the iron on method? I am only able to use the iron one method. Do you have the PCB schematics that only have the black lines. I am very confused in how to etch it using the circuit that you provided.

This reminds me of Pololu’s
This reminds me of Pololu’s 3pi. Compact, prefessional, clean, it’s great! =D


Very clean, cool bot.

I’m definitely going to look into that LiPo charger. I’m not sure my soldering is good enough to start on SMT yet.

Im very intrested with the
Im very intrested with the RF technology too. Wonder if i could program over that. Well, I’ll get started with purchasing the material needed for my micromouse!

do you use the max232 cicuit
do you use the max232 cicuit when using your bootloader? i dont see it on you robot.

No, I’m not use it because

No, I’m not use it because my interface is USB, so, I use the FT232R, to convert the USB to Serial, directly on board, no adapters between PC and my robot. The MAX232 are usefull when you use a DB9 Serial port.

With the FT232R you can use the 5V USB Power to power your circuit (and conected toUSB) and, in my case, charge the battery on robot.

i am refering to your older
i am refering to your older version, non pcb version.

In that version, the
In that version, the prototype, I used a little USB-Serial adapter from SparkFun. That’s what I have make on the PCB version.

I use the iron method for
I use the iron method for small and simple designs. It’s not the case here, so I use the BatchPcb services. They have high processes. And more: when you upload your design, a DRC (Design Rule Check) verify if you do some mistake or use some thing that they can’t do, so when your design pass, you know that your board comes without errors.

do you have spares on the
do you have spares on the pcb? i can find ferric chloride in my country (banned) and i cant find the components either. Is there anyway you can help me? How the pcb version of Gui v1 going on?

Hey, any updates coming up?
Hey, any updates coming up?

Great Work.
I’m very excited to see the PCB’s! I love your documentation and designs.

Hey, hows it been? Have you
Hey, hows it been? Have you been soldering up your PCB’S?

Nothing, the PCBs don’t
Nothing, the PCBs don’t arrive, yet. I’m very anxious. All parts are waiting for it.

Haha, i know how u feel. Im
Haha, i know how u feel. Im still having problems with step up. Will post schematics on my forum topic.

Been waiting for an update!
Been waiting for an update! Your designs always look good. what an inspiration! cant wait to see it moving around. :slight_smile:

Really nice and detailed

Really nice and detailed project forrequi.

Keep it up and looking forward to see the new robot with the Batch PCB version.


Impressive professional looking robot! Nice detailed project writeup too! I’ve used BatchPCB as well. I would recommend them to anyone, especially for making prototype PC boards.

I would give you 5-STARS if LMR would let me. Whatever happened to our rating system?

Thanks for posting this wonderful project write-up!


Thank you for the comment.
Thank you for the comment. Really.

I would like to buy it.How much?