Greetings from Spain

Hi @all,

My name is Jose Luis "Josele" Perez. I live in Mijas, a village in Costa del Sol, Malaga, Spain. Mijas is close to Fuengirola and Marbella, the south of the sunny Spain

I got my degree in Physics, electronics, but I've been dealing with solders and electronic devices since I was a teenager... a few years ago haha! I still remember the old AC188K transistors ... a romantic dream nowadays !!

I worked as a programmer years ago, in C/C++/Assembler, in CNC, control systems and networking... Now I work as a teacher in a Secondary school in Mijas. My lessons are related to a subject call "Technologies", that gets involved with structures, materials, electricity/electronics, CAD, and all of that stuff. A nice job I think myself.

I allways tried to to something in robotics, and in fact a few months ago I bought myself a 3D printer, a Prusa Hephestos printer. I knew a bit about 3D printers, but I have to admit that my first print was... im-pre--ssi-ve ! I still stay for a while staring at it when it's working... I suppose it will be the same everywhere haha...

I would like to share here my creations with all this great community. I have several reasons to do it, but I will give two of them. On one hand, it will be a great exercise for my English ( despite I think it is not so bad ). On the other hand, i will try to give back part of the knowledge I was given, not only in this site but many others.

Here you have some of my "babies". Of course you won't see nothing new "under the sun", and they are very simple robots, but I am proud of them.


          Biribot my first one                                      Canutebot, a line follower robot


Biribot is avalaible here, and he is still under construction, so if you want to give me any kind of feedback, take a glance to the project.



Yours sincerely







What’s in the robots?

Dear: Josele

What board are you using for the robots biribot and canutebot? I am just curious do they both use the same board? Also what is powering them, CR servos or Motors because I can’t see the wiring in the picture? Last but not least what are they programmed with? Is it arduino, basic stamp, or etc? Also nice robots. I love hearing about other peoples robots but anyways.

From: Noah


Hi Josele,

Thanks for sharing! We’re a few spanish people here so don’t worry :wink:

Please, share your robot description under the topic “Robot”. If your description is not finished just put is as “robot in progress”. Hardware, software and other descriptions are very welcome, also pictures and videos of course. Thanks and keep going! Hasta luego!

Hola Josele

Welcome to LMR

I too live in Spain not to far from you near Estepona.  Above is a Dropbox link to my family of robots mostly cobbled together from odd bits although two or three from kits.  I too am a keen 3D printerer and have assembled my own from a Prusa i3 kit with which I am now able to produce my own robot parts.

You may be interested to know that a course on robotics is freely available from Reading University under the auspices of Future Learn.  I have just completed this course and it is very good.

Good luck with your future robots.






What’s under the bots

Hi, Noah!

To answer most of your questions you have Biribot, a project of mine here in this site.

I have detailed the chasis ( in fact you have all 3D pieces ready to be printed ), the steps to I made to build Biribot and finally, several programs.

I think I will finish this robot soon, and I will start Biribot part II. There I will talk about feedback and closed loop systems, adding a compass and IR sensors to improve the navigation. Probably I will add a couple of transceivers ( 2,4 Ghz arduino modules ), and another Arduino connected to processing. A gree…at project !!

Yours, Josele