UPDATE : video uploaded . In the video the robot picks up bottle as well as avoids an object which cannot be picked.
It uses 3 sensors i.e. 1 SRF05 and 2 GP2D12 to detect objects and decide whether the object should be picked up or it should be avoided.
GP2D12 were not stable enough so i soldered 50uF capacitors between the ground and Vcc
I used a 10 RPM Dc gear motor for the arm. It gives around 8-9 Kg of torque at 9V
For using this motor i used a L293D motor driver other than the one in main board and made connections on the breadboard. Since i didn't had any of the digital outputs left i used the digital inputs and converted them to digital outputs for controlling the arm motor
The gripper is homemade
The three sensors
All the wire mess on its back
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Picks up objects(bottles) that comes in its way
Actuators / output devices: Tamiya twin gearbox, 1 Towerpro MG955 servo and 1 Dc gear motor
Control method: Full autonomous
CPU: Picaxe 28x1
Operating system: windows XP
Power source: 4.5 V for the board and 9V for the arm motor
Programming language: Picaxe basic
Sensors / input devices: 1 SRF05 and 2X Sharp GP2D12
Hello, I’ve built a number of bots with these Tamiya duel motor/track setups. They have 3 ratio’s you can set. On my drum robot I had to use the lowest set and replace the motors with these: http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/604