Get much sleep?

Do you all get much sleep due to your hobby/addiction with robotics? I average about 4 hours/night :smiling_imp:


I get plenty of sleep when its something you do for a living.


PK wat do u do for work, if u don’t mind me asking

I’ll sleep when I’m dead.

Got a .38 special up on the shelf?

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Uhh, after the science fairs are all over I’ll sleep. 3 more to go :wink:

I’ll sleep when i get less homework and find time for the hobby… :unamused:

just like…5-6 years…then maybe i’ll get to do it as a job ^^

I’m a sixteen year old doing NI GCSEs at the minute, so revising for all 11 subjects and fitting in 6 and a 1/2 hours of school leaves me with around 7 hours sleep. I have to get up at 5:30 most days…

French, by the way, sucks.

The 6 hour maths exams are only beaten by the 7 hours of English and the 7 hours of each of the three sciences.

Laughs madly


Ouch that sucks im only 15 but i never study at all. Though, i only have 3 subjects a semester w/ 2 electives. For me, the science is easy, math is easy, language (German) is kinda hard, English is annoying, Religion is easy, and History is the only one i study for. I get up about 5:30 also with 5 hours of sleep, but i also sleep during the day after track… So i guess 7 hours total for me.

Don’t let Laureatus know that :laughing:

ohhh, we do not speak of him! :open_mouth:

lol :laughing:

BTW 7h of sleep, lucky my school starts late but ends late also…

I average about 4 hours as I stated on my first post, but I average about 12/hours a night on the weekends… Man, I sure do love sleep!!!

Averaging 4 hours a sleep on the weekdays does take its toll. I try to sleep earlier and get about 6 hours minimum so I can be refreshed and ready to work… Work pays for my robotic needs so work is important for me…