Fritsl first robot creation

Chasis completed. it was constructed from a low weight holow plastic from my pool deck fence its very lightweight and strong at the same time new video up!!!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

You may go one port down
You may go one port down from the Direct Digital output (blue wire in his schematic) but you have to change the begining of the code where you define the input/output


wich way is down? towards

wich way is down? towards reset button or away?


experiment, keep changing
experiment, keep changing ports lower and lower, until you get a signal



EDIT: Keep changing the trig until your Picaxe reads it

EDIT#2: check the hot to connect SRF05 to Picaxe, the code there should do it no?

Its a bit confusing at first

Its a bit confusing at first but once you understand the script it’s as bright as day. I recommend reading the PICAXE manuals eventually. Theyre not so bad a read.

I’m assuming you have wired your sonar based on the tutorial for wiring the SRF05 to the PICAXE 28 chip?

All that you will need to change to start in Fritsl’s script is the variables for

symbol trig = 3 ‘ Define output pin for Trigger pulse
symbol echo = 6 ‘ Define input pin for Echo pulse

Towards the top of fritl’s script in all the variables you’ll see the trig and echo variables. They have different #s to them I think its like 0 and 4. Just change the variables to 3 and 6.

The edge closest to the reset button is 0.

ive figured it out its
ive figured it out its exactly as godtripp has said… everything works perfectly now thanks for all you help video of it in action

Way to go, looks pretty cool.
Way to go, looks pretty cool.

Looks Great

Looking good, glad to have been some help if you didnt figure it out before hand!

Looks kinda like a bunny more than a bug though =) with those zip ties sticking out like they are and the gms out the back!

Now you can move on and build a chasis or something more advanced! =)

the chasis is my next
the chasis is my next project for it i was thinking of a type of rounded one that covered everything with a slit for the sensor anybody have any clue on possible parts for it?

Robot body styles
Think I’ve seen a robot body made out of a red plastic coffee container. And out if a green plastic pumpkin candy container. And out of a disposable sandwich container. And a metal candy tin. And a bicycle helmet. And salad bowls,

you make a good point, the
you make a good point, the materials you use to create your body are virtually limitless

PVC ‘R’ us!
PVC tube! Perfect roboteer material!

I like the new chasis ! Very
I like the new chasis ! Very nice. …is that ducktape on your wires =)

yes it is duct tape couldnt
yes it is duct tape couldnt find my electrical tape =\ but the new chasis is very nice light weight and very strong

Cool! :DFunny video, you get

Cool! :smiley:

Funny video, you get to see peoples homes from alternative perspecites :slight_smile:

You want to discover heat shrinking plastic tubes for your wires. I was using tape like you, problem is that it “Get’s old” - that heat shrinking stuff will make your day, I only whish somebody told me!