Free Motor Controllers!

Fixed, Just a little mix up

Fixed, Just a little mix up with the pins so there is no longer a trace there.

Alright I have one board

Alright I have one board done so far, it will go to CtC, the next one will go to the next user that I receive shipping info from.

Paul D. Will receive the

Paul D. Will receive the first board so far. I will ship it today or tomorrow.

What about the payable one? :stuck_out_tongue:

Any news on the Krumtroler board?

There are surface mount pads

There are surface mount pads on the bottom of the IC, making it nearly impossible for me to make the board, even if it was double sided :confused:

I have been roving the

I have been roving the internet for a replacement motor controller but I’m thinking of building (again) a multi SN754410 board.

…Guinea Pig # 1 climbs

…Guinea Pig # 1 climbs into position…

Thumbs up to the most

Thumbs up to the most prolific entepreneur of the site! Like St3al said, shipping to us is probably not worth the effort. However, I didn´t want to miss the opportunity to say: great attitude! 

Hi Krumlink,did you receive

Hi Krumlink,

did you receive my funds?

have you had a chance to ship the board?

Do you have any left? If so,

Do you have any left? If so, would the motor controller work for these motors?

These boards will not work

These boards will not work with those motors. 1.5A free spinning is already more than twice the rating of Krumlinks boards. Those motors need relays or some well designed and heatsunk MOSFETS.