Fractal - Beetleweight combat robot

This robot built between 2010-11 is designed to compete in the 3lb combat robot weight-class.

It is very fast and agile, and can climb over objects using both it's tracks and the arm which can rotate 360degrees around its body.





















Here's a labelled diagram of the robot:


Here's an image of the first build (circa December 2010) with 11.1v Li-Po and cheap (eBay) 15kg-cm torque modified servo

early picture of 'Fractal'


And finally an image with the top cover (carbon fibre) on:

Robot sumo/Combat

  • Actuators / output devices: Modified Hitec Servo
  • Control method: RC, remote control
  • Power source: 14.8V Li-Po

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


awesome! looks very badarse!!! hahaha! cool! videos please.and welcome to LMR!

Brushless motors? Nice~ very

Brushless motors? Nice~ very compact and neat.

No actually, DC motors with

No actually, DC motors with 38:1 gearboxes:

Here’s a very old video this was back when it was at 11.1V and with a very cheap servo, it now performs much better so I ought to do another video soon

You don’t see very many

You don’t see very many combat robots on LMR.

I like it. It looks real beefy!

It would be cool to see it destroying something!


You have made a very good robot. It looks very nice and it seems that it´s easy to control (or you are very good with the joystick :))

Good luck in the competition.

For some reason I thought this was

bigger. But I guess there’s nothing else in the pics or video to compare scale. I only realised this when I looked up os bots for the treads. They say they are only 5 inches long. Nice bot, have you thought of putting a turret on it and making it autonomous?

Quite strangely the only

Quite strangely the only picture I’ve got on this computer with a scaling object is with a gutted cordless drill… of course this is only useful if you know how big they are:


Making it autonomous is certainly on my to-do list (my only other experience with autonomous machines has been the 'Cybot' of the 'Real Robots' magazine many years ago) but it will have to wait a little while for other projects and university!