FlowBotics Studio Grand Tutorial - Servo Erector Set | RobotShop Community

Together with the launch of the new robotics programming platform FlowBotics Studio, RobotShop also launched the Servo Erector Set V1.1 from Lynxmotion. This is a kit of over 500 parts enabling you to build five different robots and control them via pre-made robot applications inside FlowBotics

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/blog/show/flowbotics-studio-grand-tutorial-servo-erector-set

Greetings!..What are the difference between flowstone and Flowbotics?

@roentgine FlowBotics is based on the FlowStone programming language but FlowBotics is customized for use in robotics and has specific projects and applications.

Buena Tarde, necesito desarrollar una interfaz gráfica de control para un robot cilíndrico de 4DOF con Flowbotics la puedo generar. ?

@Titiana: Most likely. FlowBotics Studio has multiple ways to interface with robots, so you should be able to access yours. You can learn more about FlowBotics Studio here and here. You may also want to look at the user guide and component reference guide.