First robot-what design!?

So I'm stuck on what I want to do. I have thwo idea for my first robot. The first idea is the a quadrupped useing 12 servos and th second is making a simple 8 servo biped. They both will use the mgician v2 once it come out plus a 8 servo expansion so I can control up to 16 servos and a li-po battery. What would be a good choice to learn- the quad will have harder programming while the biped with be harder mechanicaly. So i'm kinda stuck on what shold be my first robot? what your all first robot?

With a quadbot, at least you

With a quadbot, at least you don’t have to worry about balance so much. There are some good quadbot’s posted, where you can borrow ideas about the walking gait and contruction.

You could try this simple 3 servo walking biped, designed by Frits. Then tear it apart for the servos, and make yourself a quadbot. 

I like both so it’s hard to
I like both so it’s hard to decide,I’m leaning to biped as 8 servos is cheaper and ez’er to program as I know nothing about programming

Yeah I saw your robot and
Yeah I saw your robot and its really cool and your English is fine. I think I’m going to to try the biped and if it dosnt work just use the parts for the quad. I gonna use only 8 micro servos and maybe a couple micro geared motors. I’m trying to find a small battery would two 3.7 1000 ma lipo batteries hooked is series be ok to use

How come you can’t do that?
How come you can’t do that? They blow up or something?

I was hoping to get two
I was hoping to get two small batteries to disrepute the weight where I wanted it

I might need extra servos so
I might need extra servos so I was thinking of adding this will this work withy the V2 magician