First autonomous robot

My first moving robot. It's an arduino based bot that uses two continuous servos, adafruit motor shield, and Sharp IR. The wheels were scavenged off of a toy car I found at a thrift store, and the body is built from a two Erector type toy sets I found at the dollar store. The toy sets are awesome, cheap ($5 and $8), and came with a ton of parts and hardware!! Also, the back of the bot has a ski that is made from the front fender of a toy motorcycle (thrift store find).



Rolls around and doesn't hit anything...

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 continuous servos
  • CPU: Arduino Uno (atmega328)
  • Power source: 9v battery
  • Programming language: Arduino
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR
  • Target environment: Indoor or outdoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

cool robot mate! welcome to

cool robot mate! welcome to LMR!

Welcome to LMRBut why the

Welcome to LMR
But why the motor shield if you’re using servos?

Haha… good catch. I

Haha… good catch.  I bought the motor shield kit for future projects and I wanted to use it to make sure it worked after I had soldered it up.  It will be coming off for my next bot.

Welcome to LMR!

Looks WAY better than my first bot.

how work the Optical distance sensors?

how work the Optical distance sensors?

Can you tell me i can programming the sensor?

What sensors and

What sensors and microcontroller are you using?  Measuring distance via infra-red sensor is so common that there’s probably an off the shelf solution for you.