
Yes. It’s the light that

Yes. It’s the light that makes the difference. The iPhone itself has good macro photography capabilities. But it needs a lot of light to get sharp and colored pictures.

Hey that’s a nice bot my

Hey that’s a nice bot my friend. Looks great with the cam. Very well documented, great pictures and videos. Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

Looks fantastic. Nice job.

Looks fantastic. Nice job.

Smooth Rotation Profile with Matlab?

I see you have experience with Matlab. Would it be possible for you to create rotation profiles for us? Along this profile we could move the robot’s head. That is instead of rotating 90° to the left by an increment 1 it could with the profile accelerate more in the first third of the movement and decelerate smoothly in the last third to the 90°… as an example. You know what I mean? Could Matlab export this as a numeric discreete integer array or excel table?

This would be neat to have…

Thank you for the comment.

Thank you Ray. Good to have

Thank you Ray. Good to have you on board!

That should be easy enough

That should be easy enough to generate, though I’m not entirely sure I understand the requirements for a “rotation profile”. You’ll have to forgive me as I know nothing about robotics.

So, you might represent a right-angled rotation as a series of integers representing changes in motor speed to allow for fast movement but without being jerky or over shooting? But wouldn’t there be timing issues? Not to mention differences between hardware configuration? Isn’t that what encoders are for?

I might be completely misunderstanding, do you have any references/examples you can show me?

discreete linear motion

You actually got what I ment. It is a discreete linear motion from 90° to 0° and from 90° to 180°. This is to rotate a robot-head with a servo. And a 0° to 180° and 180° to 0° would be cool too. If you deliver the plot I (or you) can turn this info into a Tip/Walkthrough for LMR… and let Fhotibot’s head move along this profile, this discreete integer value array.

As you say it is not only angle but also speed. Thank you for this insight. Speed is important too.

So the profile could look like this:

rotationFrom90to0 = { angle1, velocity1, angle2, velocity2, …};

The head will then turn from angle1 to angle2 with the velocity1 and so forth.

The physical aspect you can leave out for the moment. That can be experimentally explored.

just for completeness…

here the link to the topic mentioned in this comment-thread:


Great !

This little bot looks nice and your project page is awesome ! Great pictures and documentation, love it :slight_smile:

But one question, I kept your page about smooth head movements in a tab for later reading and sadly it disapeared ! I got a 404 error when I try to reach it. Since you’ve juste edited that post with a link to this page, I guess an error occured somewhere. Yet, I’m very interrested by this subject :slight_smile:

How can I get a visual

How can I get a visual codeing program that?

CIP (Communicating Interacting Processes)

Ask these guys. A beta version is available now… and needs beta-testers…


And this is the theory behind it. It’s about reactive embedded finite state machines. This is a deep theory that is very practically useable.


The abstract from the paper:

“CIP is a model-based software development method for embedded systems. The problem of constructing an embedded system is decomposed into a functional and a connection problem. The functional problem is solved by constructing a formal reactive behavioural model.

  A CIP model consists of concurrent clusters of synchronously cooperating extended state machines. The state machines of a cluster interact by multicast events.

  State machines of different clusters can communicate through asynchronous channels. The construction of CIP models is supported by the CIP Tool, a graphical modelling framework with code generators that transform CIP models into concurrently executable CIP components. The connection problem consists of connecting generated CIP components to the real environment.

  This problem is solved by means of techniques and tools adapted to the technology of the interface devices. Construction of a CIP model starts from the behaviour of the processes of the real environment, leading to an operational specification of the system behaviour in constructive steps.

  This approach allows stable interfaces of CIP components to be specified at an early stage, thus supporting concurrent development of their connection to the environment.” 

HTTP 200

Thank you Jerome for this words.

Regarding the 404: I edited and could not save the tip without being live. So I had to set it to draft again to edit and save it over time. It’s now available again.