I'm a new here. This looks like a great site to get some assistance during my robotics journey.
Yesterday I ordered the FEZ mini robot kit which allows me to build a small two wheel robot and program it with .NET/C#. I have been playing with Arduino bots a few years back, but being a .NET developer for many years, I'm looking forward to be able to move a familiar programming environment.
I will keep you updated once the mail-order arrives.
For more info see my blog: http://megabotblog.blogspot.com/
Cheers, Rinie
FEZ rocks. You’re welcome.
FEZ rocks. You’re welcome. Geir and I have some experience with FEZ boards. Feel free to ask. Here are some projects using FEZ devices:
Thanks a lot. Your FEZ
Thanks a lot. Your FEZ projects look great. Good to know that there are some experienced FEZ builders around!
I am getting a FEZ Mini Robot too!
Hopefully it will be here soon because I am getting it at quite a discount.
I thought I was just getting just the Mini board, but today I found out it will have the robot underneath it, still in unassenbled kit form, yahoo!
I would take a glance at: http://dvanderboom.wordpress.com/category/robotics/ because this guy took the programs in the PDF manual, messed with them and put them into a single (very nice!) program.
A word from a friend is that it uses 4 penlight cells for power. My friend said that the hardware power regulation system lets it run until the batteries are very low! He doesn’t have a Mini, (his uses a different processor module running “Logo”) but from the module down it is all the same. (“Turtles, all the way down.”) Please forgive my terrible attempt at humor.
Welcome to LMR!
My FEZ Mini Robot will have an Arduino board at first…
I am not doing well in my learning C# or .net (or the FEZ mini) so I will start out using a Arduno wired to the FEZ Mini socket.
When I compile for Netuino, no problems. When I compile the same program for the FEZ I get very strange error messages. Problem is the robot uses a FEZ Mini and not a Netduino…
So the FEZ Mini goes on a protoboard and I can try stuff with it that way.
If anyone else out there is learning about the FEZ I wish you the best of luck!!!
I probably WILL give the FEZ Mini a try in the robot.
One thing I can tell you for sure is that entering the .net Micro Framework is a scary experience!
I am compiling programs to run on the new robot and I am not at all sure they will actually run on real hardware.
(Highly obscure error messages are a few of things that make me reallly concerned.,)
I am “just a newbie” when it comes to .net and C# and that doesn’t help, (But we all have to start out someplace!)
I am sure that once I see the robot run a few programs from the FEZ Mini it will be a LOT bettter.