Felix V2

I'm working on a simplified design of my quadruped. The new design should be easy to replicate (with a laser cutter or simple hand tools). Another aspect is that it should be able to work with cheaper servos (HITech HS-422). In this project I'm using NodeJS and Johnny-five instead of regular Arduino sketches. The development cycle is much faster and as a web developer I'm right in my comfort zone. Extra bits of info on my blog (http://www.burningservos.com)

-update 2.4.15
Added  a new video showing Felix doing a better job at a creeping gait walk 

- update 7.4.15
Implemented steering, added video shows Felix walking in circles 

- update 20.4.15
Started with web UI to control Felix. Turning left and right and walking forward and backwards. 

- update 2.5.15
Working on a scaled down version that uses cheaper 9G servos:


- update 29.5.15
Prototyping a head (more info on this blog post http://burningservos.com/2015/05/29/heads-up/)



Walks with a charming limp

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/felix-v2


Great design.  I like it. Congratulations !! :wink:

Wow talk about a simple design.

Dear: Xavo

I remember for a while I want to build a robot that could climb up stairs but never did. Seems like somebody may have beat me to it. Can this climb up stairs. I know it probably can’t but I just want to hear your reply. Thank you.

From: Noah

It looks great! I’m sure

It looks great! I’m sure that you can make it walk very well, without a limp, because I’ve built a very similar robot myslef: http://sheep.art.pl/Katka

I would check all the servo connections, servo trims (small inacurracies can give a limp) and of course your code. Also, make sure you are shifting the body weight to the other side before raising a leg, by swaying the whole robot.

Thanks, you are right, both

Thanks, you are right, both your suggestions are spot on. Currently I’m not shifting the wait to the other side and I need to play with the servo offsets (“trims”).

Hi Noah, no Felix can not

Hi Noah, no Felix can not climb stairs, he is too small and not powerful enough. If you are interested in climbing an all terrain, check out this little fellow (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUQsRPJ1dYw) that’s an amazing display of agility.

Okay well cool.

Dear: Xavo

Wow cool video. I wish there was a robot that was the size of felix that could climb up stairs but anyways. Thank you for the video. Although I have seen it too many times before I thought your robot could climb up stairs. Hey could you do me a favor. I don’t care how big the stairs are but could you make felix climb up stairs. That video you sent me the robot could climb up stairs so heck why not. Thanks!!!

From: Noah

Loved it

wow…great job xavo…

Hi, check the new video. I

Hi, check the new video. I succesfully follow your suggestions, thanks =)

this is impresive work :slight_smile:

this is impresive work :slight_smile:

Well done. After seeing the

Well done. 

After seeing the first video I was about to suggest you some rubber feet…but you already have them in the secon video. I like the walking. Do you think with the weight of batteries on his back Felix will walk too?

Thanks, I added a batteri

Thanks, I added a batteri pack (4x1.5v) and did some tests. As you can see in the new video, the servos have enough torque to carry the weight - sheer luck 'couse I haven’t done any calculations in advance =)  

Cool, I was hoping that

Cool, I was hoping that Felix can carry the battery without problem. Not it’s just a programming job and adding some sensors to make Felix smarter :slight_smile:


Holy Smokes!

When you succeed in making a creature at that just makes its movement so artful, you’ve made it. Amazing!

What else would you want to ad to a bot like this? Head? More joints? pre-hensile tail? :wink:

Must build…


Cant wait for the smaller version!

Did you think about making

Did you think about making it walk faster by making longer steps? It seems like thevlegs have the necessary range.

I love how the head is
I love how the head is vaguely cat-shaped. Reminds me of the cat from Dark Science comics: http://dresdencodak.com/2015/04/20/dark-science-44/

Super project and I love the

Super project and I love the design.

Do you have any updates to this I am very interested.