Fast robot? (as in fast computing) how?


So right now im planning for my first robot, I want my robot to be as fast as possible,  but I'm not talking speed wise(atleast not yet), rather 'computing'.

I'm thinking learn assembler ? I've understood its a painfull programming language to learn, but the programms are fast and powerfull. Offcource I could probaly solve my computational problems by just buying a faster ic, but those are difficult to get a holdof and not to mension expensive.

So go writing in assembler, or maby just take time to make a good fast code in [i]any thing[/i] but BASIC ? ideas, sugestions ?

Thank you in advance!


Get a picaxe or arduino.Use

Get a picaxe or arduino.

Use BASIC or C to make an LED blink. 


Hi Magnus,

Do you have any kind of programming/electronics background? If not, and unless you have a very specific need for it, I’d say learning assembly programming is pretty pointless. Furthermore, it will definitely slow you down. I’d say start with something higher level, and if it transpires that you can’t do something without assembly then go for it. Modern compilers are pretty good, so the chances of you writing code that works and is significantly faster than compiled C at this stage are slim.

The Arduino boards use a C/C++ variant and provide a good starting platform. Once you get used to it you could build your own boards using the Atmega chips and get as technical about it as you like.

It’s all subjective of course - what’s the robot supposed to do, where’s all that speed going?



As you’re not describing

As you’re not describing your project and giving no clue to what you need the fast processing speed for its hard to give you a good recommendation.

One point to bear in mind though is that most microcontrollers are not able to multitask, so you might not be able to do stuff like read a distance sensor and changing the motor speed at the same time. The only microcontroller I can think of that dos ‘multitasking’ is the Propeller.

@ Geir: im just getting

@ Geir: im just getting started with my planning, its going to be a simple Two wheeled 'bot simular to the one under Start here tab. Right now im scavenging old Techno junk.

@PhilBot: ive got some education in both Visual Basic, and C(not listing self taught languages like, java). been a while since I wrote any code though, allmost 9 Years ago.I dont have any job in the programming industry. the speed is just attractive to me, I like fast powerfull programs/bots, atleast I think its a good place to start. Right now im dreaming about makeing a 2 legged robot fast moving, fast deciding. offcource thats way in the future…

I’ll go for Ardunio then, thanks for input!



For what it’s worth…

I got one of these kits: and used an Arudino Duemilanove board to control it, and I’ve never had any problems with speed of processing. For what you’re describing I think just about any micro-controller you’re likely to come across would suffice so the x86 based controller is probably overkill… :wink:

Anyway, I reckon start easy and then build up. There’s nothing like getting something working to encourage you.

After reading through the

After reading through the answers more thourougly I realised what i was asking for : Multitasking! time to get glasses I think :-p

Not for my first build offcource, but exept using Propeller. maby i could use several IC’s ?

one controlling the two (or more) legs/motors, one controling the sensor/s and one ‘big brain’ ‘controling’ the other ic’s. just like us humans three brains!(Brainstem,Smallbrain and Biggbrain, think theres more brain ‘bits’ though) and offcorce a clock or more…

Thats a future projekt to, lets finish with my first first!



Just from reading

 I too am a beginner. Just from reading, the Parallax Propeller is fast (several processors inside), but the programming language is totally unique to itself. The Basic Stamp BS2-SX is also fast (2.5 times faster then the standard BS2-IC), They both can read industrial type encoders (1,000/revolution). The BS2-SX  is going to be discontinued. I am only thinking of clock speed in a computer sense. Not enough imfo on what you are doing, and I am new to small scale processors. Know Basic Stamp some and just getting ready to learn PIC. It all depends on how much I/O you need. The more I/O, the more things the processor has to scan and handle.