Encoder counter interface problem - ls7366

Hi guys,

As you might know , ive been working on a micro mouse. I had gotten motors that had built in encoders within the . As such it was vital that I was able to count the encoder counts. To do so, instead of using interrupts, I had bought an encoder counter. It is the ls7366.

I fully understand how to use the chip through SPI. All the functions etc. I am how ever not that versed at using SPI. I am interfacing it with the dspic30f6015. The connections with the encoder counter are the basic kind, as listed in the data sheet. I am also not concerned about quadrature encoding.

I hope that you guys can help me with this programming problem.

Ps. I am using microchip c30.

You might do better

over at the microchip forums on this one. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anyone using a Dspic here.


I haven’t used a dspic but I’d be interested in reading what you post. How did you get your c30 compiler? I’ve only be doing asm on base-midrange pics and you got me looking at c compilers for 16 bit pics and I couldn’t find any freebies? Well not fully working ones at least.

i decided to abandon spi for

i decided to abandon spi for awhile and fix up my uart. i thought it would be a breeze. but nothing worked! … guess why. When i drew the circuit board, i had connected the rx of the pickit2 to rx on the chip. Brilliant aint i? Well back to spi and once i tackle that I’ll post up my own personal library of functions :smiley: