Embedded videos

After I upgraded my fireforx to firefox 3 on my Linux box, I can’t see the embedded videos on the site. If I view the source and grab the video url, I can go to youtube and watch the video. But not here. There is not even a placeholder box or anything. Itøs like no videos are embedded. Any suggestions?

Maybe you need some firefox
Maybe you need some firefox plugin to view the videos.

Look to make sure you have
Look to make sure you have flash and java.

Something amiss
There’s definitely something not right with the way embedded vides work. I notice with FF2 that the video clips often sit obscuring test or parts of other photos.

Nothing wrong with the

Nothing wrong with the system.

Just wrong platforms, and bad content!

Nothing wrong with the content. Let’s do a Sherlock Holmes…

I have both. The strange
I have both. The strange thing is, that I have no problems seing the videos on Youtube; only when they are embedded here. I wonder if it’s the code on this site that is faulty.

It isnt the code. I am using
It isnt the code. I am using firefox 3 and it works fine. I have the version that was released a week ago on download day.

Have you checked your
Have you checked your settings to see if javascript or something i sbeing blocked? Maybe make LMR a trusted site?

On Linux or Windows?
On Linux or Windows?

Linux or Windows?
Linux or Windows?

windows xp
windows xp

That might be it. I’m
That might be it. I’m running Linux. I’ll try my XP box when I get to work.

Let me know if it doesn’t
Let me know if it doesn’t fix it. I have VMWare on my laptop running Ubunto. Or I can get a copy of whatever distro you’re using.

It worked on XP, but not on
It worked on XP, but not on Linux. I’ll try to play with the Firefox plugins and see if I can get it to work somehow.

Found the bug. I just
Found the bug. I just remembered that I have a plugin that prevents Flash from being loaded automatically. Instead, it displays a box with a button you can press to load the flash. This makes pages load faster, but it seems like the plugin is not fully compatible with FF3.0, because the box wasn’t shown. I have disabled it, so now I can see videos again. Hoooray!