EM4 Educational Motorized Robot Kit OWI-891: Grandpa-bot


EM4 Educational Motorized Robot Kit OWI-891 is rated for age 8+ and allowes to build 4 different types of robots. Here, I'm

going to describe only Grandpa-bot. We received the kit from my workplace and I let my son, 6+, worked on it.



The kit came with easy to follow instructions. Parts are packed as sheets of parts to be cut before use. In this way, it is easier to follow instructions without getting overwhelmed by parts. 


Depending on which side of the "leg" driving gear is installed, robot will "walk" forward or backward. Make sure that head is oriented to put weght on the current traction wheel. 




This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/em4-educational-motorized-robot-kit-owi-891-grandpa-bot