Meet Elf - one of my RoboPi + Raspberry Pi based robots!
I have a lot of the Magician 2WD chassis, and I thought it would be the perfect platform to evaluate inexpensive low power motor driver modules.
- RoboPi
- Raspberry Pi
- WiFi stick
- Magician 2WD chassis
- L9110S driver module
- breadboard - jumper wires
- HC-SR04 ultrasonic range sensor
Assemble & start playing :)
Right now, ELf is pretty simple, but I have this nice Raspberry Pi camera module for him...
More photos etc on the build log page at
I'd be happy to answer your questions about Elf here!
Tue Aug.14, 2014 Update
I am using Elf to test out my new Python library for RoboPi. So far so good :-)
Barring unforseen issue, I expect to release the v0.85 firmware/libraries/documentation next week, inlucding Python support.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
so far - so good. Here isa random walk snipped:
# main program
for motor in range(lfwd,rrev+1):
RoboPi.pinMode(motor,isa.OUTPUT) # set motor control pins to output
while (1):
while (RoboPi.readDistance(sonar) > 200):
while (RoboPi.readDistance(sonar) < 201 ):
I’m working on my Magician chassis right now, though I’ll have to chop off a bit to make it balance.
Where can you buy them in blue?
Blue 2WD Magician
Thank you!
I make mine balance using the weight of the battery packs.
I ordered them a couple of years ago, I still have about 50 of the blue 2WD in stock.
I was trying to make a
I was trying to make a balancing bot out of them. Unfortunately this didn’t work, so I’m working on plan C now.
Thank you. And here I was hoping to get a new red, green, and blue one. I guess I’ll have to print something for that idea when my printer is finally shipped and wends it slow way here. It will probably arrive real soon now when I can’t do anything with it because Lee needs surgery and I have to take her to Cleveland.
My best wishes for Lee
I hope the surgery goes well!
I am not sure how well those yellow gear motors would work for a balancing bot, so please let me know if it works.
If you can’t find it in the states, and you need a blue one, pm me.
major Elf updates 
I was finally able to make some time to update my Elf build log 
- wiring info and photos for the L9110S motor driver
- wiring info and photos for the HC-SR04 range sensor
- sample Python code for RoboPi controlling the motor driver via PWM and reading the range sensor
I welcome your questions and feedback!
Elf update: Raspberry Pi Camera & WiFi streaming
Today I’ve updated my Elf Raspberry Pi based robot’s build log with instructions on:
- adding a Raspberry Pi Camera
- adding MJPG-Streamer so Elf streams what he sees over WiFi
- adding a ramdisk for MJPG-Streamer so it won’t wear out the SD card
I hope you enjoy the Elf blog, and please feel free to ask any questions!
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