Electronics Cheat Sheet

electric-cheat-sheet.pdf (901285Bytes)

Here is a cheat sheet that I'm working on putting together.

This wasn't meant to be professional quality, just something I can look over at instead of having to look things up all the time.

You can download it by clicking on the attachment above.

If you have any suggestions, I'm open to hearing them.


cool. this will help alot with my first bot


just a small typo: calsius

just a small typo: calsius instead of celsius…that’s really not important but you may want to change it

thanks for the sheet mate, it may come in handy!

Nice!! Thanks for sharing.
Nice!! Thanks for sharing.

Nice. Could you find the
Nice. Could you find the space for the most commonly used calculations, like Ohms law and resistors/capacitors in serial/parallel?

Thanks! I’ll make this
Thanks! I’ll make this change sometime tomorrow.

I’m afraid I don’t have much
I’m afraid I don’t have much of a head for electronics yet, so if you could find a site that I could just peel those off of, I will add for sure add them to the big empty corner.

they might come in

they might come in handy:

resistors in series : x + y (where x and y are the "values" of the 2 resistors)

resistors in parallel : (xy)/(x+y)

the values you get are the actual ohms of the resistor you make by combining them


for the capacitors its just the opposite


capacitors in parallel: x + y (where x and y are the "values" of the 2 resistors)

capacitors in series : (xy)/(x+y)


while this is another formula that my come in handy as well, the voltage divider formula:


Vout = Vin*( y/(x+y)) y is the one closer to the "-"pole of the battery

this way you calculate the voltage between two resistors (vin is the voltage from the batteries, vout is the one between resistors)




The Obvious

V=IR. I represent it as a trianlge with V on to and IR on the bottom, which makes it easy to rearrange into I=V/R and R=V/I.

Also, the resistor bands: might be btter if you say "value bands" and "multiplier band" because you sometimes get 4 and even five bands on spectacularly accurate resistors.

You might consider adding x1000 multipliers: Tera, Giga, Mega, kilo, milli, micro, nano, pico, femto…

its not that YOU represent

its not that YOU represent that, its common mnemonic to remember that, every kid here knows that.

Tera…femto arent x1000 multipliers, those are SI prefixes for m * 10n, n={a:a∈ℤ∧a>-24∧a<24}.

Simplicty for simplicity’s sake…

Apparently some others may represent it this way, too. Even kids.

x1000 multipliers is easier to type and, I hope more broadly understood than m * 10n, n={a:a∈ℤ∧a>-24∧a<24}.

Very troll-like behaviour. I know.

Boy, you guys have me
Boy, you guys have me completely lost. Looks like I need to go take a couse in electronics.

No no no - keep it up!

It doesn’t mean you should stop work on your sheet. It will be more useful to some, less to others. However, it IS useful. Not everyone carries all this stuff around int their heads, you know!

Haha, that’s not what I
Haha, that’s not what I meant. I’m still gonna work on it. It was mainly for my purposes only, so chances are it’s just gonna keep up with my level of knowledge.

I have no clue what you are
I have no clue what you are on about! So not every kid.