E.A.R.L. Hexapod teaches itself to walk

Meet E.A.R.L.(Experimental Algorithmic Robotic Locomotion). He is unlike all of the other robots that you may have seen. He is the kind of a bot that likes to do things on his own. That is why he has taught himself to walk! It is absolutely amazing that his master(builder, designer, and programmer) is only 17 years old, and still in high school! Check out his work here:




(18) AX-18A DYNAMIXEL motors

(1) Intel Edison

alot of other circuits I have designed

alot of parts I have 3D printed



Programming language:

C++(strictly C++)


Time spent on robot each day:

8-9 hours!!!!!!!!!!


The main processor of the hexapod is an Intel Edison. I really appreciate the speed of this processor, when compared to it's size. Also, I fell like it is more than enough computing power right now, but in a few weeks, I know that I will have to move to something with more power, such as the Intel NUC with an i7 Processor. 



Today, I have spent some time working on a new pst for my blog. I am beginning to realize how difficult it is to juggle a website, a robot, and my sponsors, and school. Maybe it is time I find someone that can take one of those tasks off of my hands. Too bad it probably wont be the one involving school:P Stay posted for more!


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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/e-a-r-l-hexapod-teaches-itself-to-walk