DIY Remote control Casing

Really nice, congrats !!

Very exciting. i bet you couldn’t wait to open that box. looks very nice indeed. 8)
thanks for sharing the pictures.

Looks pretty nice.

Tanks RobotDude
I have only assembled loosely… just to look… :slight_smile:

I need to go buy a shield to wire all that… :wink:

I have ordered that shield.
It will be easier to wire all things. Plus it does have a XBee port…!

In stock will pick it up tommorow… !! :slight_smile:

Looking very good!
Are you able to activate the buttons on the top/front while holding the joysticks?
Maybe apply some kind of foam/rubber on the sidepanels for more comfortable use while holding? just an idea…

Excellent work!

For the top control… no they are a bit far… :frowning:

I think the best place would be on the top sides…!
what do you think ?


Looking Good!


Looking good!

I think about a radar scan for rover bot like when I see screen or a precalculated 3d view

Sorry it’s probably my english… but i don’t understand what you are thinking ?

Ok i have found 2 interesting pages:

with this type display graphical model: to have a 3d view of the robot display on the screen as debugging tool or a radar scan like this picture for explorer rover like with srf sensor or ir sensor. Specific use I know :wink:
if a robot has a cam, display remote view on uoled

great idea, but the demands on the monitor is quite hight if you are going to get the “sweeping-radar-effekt”

In fact… i was thinking in my head…
You can use a “Video” on the SD card for the sweeping radar. And draw some pixel on top… i think it can be done.

2 pictures are needed. bit blit scan with alpha color.
I don’t know how this screen work.
an arknoid game with it exists

Its very advanced math to rotate a jpg in small steps… (other than in steps of 90 deg) but it isnt impossible

Ok i want to generate a Static PPM signal to a transmitter module.

Something like all center …

trying to shrink the remote for the next version…
Maybe put switch and button on side ?

Your missing some buttons.

Very cool, you could possibly control the economy with that controller :stuck_out_tongue:


Tanks… :slight_smile:

Everything is on ice… since i am looking for a CNC router to make my own parts… :slight_smile:

I don’t know witch way i will go… probably forget about emulate PPM and go direcly to xBee… 1 or 2 gen