Ho! little problem. I found the little innocent serout command to the Scott Edwards serial LCD at 9600baud is too slow. It actually adds ~25mS to the loop! This makes the total loop about 38mS. It should be around 20mS. Look like a faster serial LCD is in this projects future.
One last information post. As a reality check I injected values into channel 5, cha5=1000, cha5=1050, etc. and measured the results at the receivers servo output. Here are the results.
The problem is the inputs from the joysticks are bouncing a bit. Like it will not settle between two values. So I’m getting jitter on the servo outputs. The pots are going directly to the analog inputs. I will try putting a small cap from ground to the wiper to clean it up.
Heh, I might get something done with it of I stopped testing things.
I varied the timing on the PPM signal. If the sync period is too short, or too long the receiver will not connect with the transmitter. However the pulses from the receiver are generated at the same (23mS) rate no matter what the PPM rate is changed to. Also the outputs are generated sequentially, I think Kurte was asking this before.
So this means you can’t sent 5 channels any faster than 7 or 9. My system will use just 5 channels for now.
It’s straight line code that appears to cycle at about 38mS with the slow serial LCD. So I should do a for next loop with say 4 or 5 tests and average them? I will give it a try.
Why update all 4 values every pass? Do you really need to see all 4 values twitch 25 times a second? Just update 1 value each time through the loop (i.e. move cursor then paint the value) and it should be only like 6 bytes a pass, right? Could even send that using hserial so you can spend more time polling the joystick inputs and keypad instead of waiting on serout.
On averaging… make a 2d array with 8 rows of 4 values, an index, and 4 sums. init them all to 0 at start. when you start your sampling pass subtract the value at array[index][0…3] from each sum. Now as you collect each sample add it to the corresponding sum and put it in array[index][0…3]. after you have all 4 sums you increment index and AND it with 0x07 to make it wrap. Divide each sum by 8 (right shift 3 times is fast) and that is your new average. It’s important to subtract the array value AT the index from the sum before you replace it with the new value and add the new value to the sum. This process is much faster than summing all 8 elements every time you update an element of the array.
if we don’t have a raid scheduled tonight when I get home I’ll see if my bap-foo works anymore… I don’t even think I have an IDE installed on my pc atm. last time I wrote some code for someone and didn’t test it Mike burned up some servos with it.
BAH! If you had used manly servos they would have survived your use of a BYTE variable for a WORD sized value.
I sent Jim some code to test. Getting me, a PC with the IDE, a BAP+ABB, and time in the same place all at once seems to be a struggle atm so hopefully Jim doesn’t have any servos plugged in the first time he gets it to compile.
Here is the code after EddieB fine tuned it. It now runs the loop in a respectable 18mS. 8)
EddieB also told me about a really sick idea in a PM. Sorry Eddie this is too cool to keep to myself!
The long range PS2 controller is only a prototype still in development at this stage. There is no guarantee it will make it to a real product. But this is something anyone can do right now. Effectively the PS2 replaces the joysticks and or the keypad. Just need to mary the PS2 code with the PPM generating code in this program to get 3000’ range robot control.
[code]; code written by Jim Frye, modified by EddieB <- genius
; declare variables here
cha1 var word
cha2 var word
cha3 var word
cha4 var word
cha5 var word
cha6 var word
cha7 var word
a_key var bit
b_key var bit
c_key var bit
; create variables for averaging code
index var byte
buffer1 var word(8)
buffer2 var word(8)
buffer3 var word(8)
buffer4 var word(8)
sum1 var word
sum2 var word
sum3 var word
sum4 var word
; initialize each buffer element, each sum, and then index to 0
for index = 0 to 7
buffer1(index) = 542
buffer2(index) = 542
buffer3(index) = 542
buffer4(index) = 542
; wake up the display module
serout 8,N9600,[12, 14]
; initialize the ppm output signal
low 15
; — top of main loop —
; averaging expects that the a/d values are < 4096
; for each channel
; read the a/d
; subtract the previous value from 8 samples ago from the sum
; store the new value in the circular buffer
; add the new value to the sum
; divide the sum by 8 to get the average value
; convert joystick values 392 - 692 to servo values 1000uS - 2000uS
Yep in much the same way as buffer1 is defined. Not sure if they support multiple dimension arrays or not. It would be nice to say buffer(6)(8). I think it compiles but not sure if it works as the manual says they support 1 dimensional arrays.
P.S. they cool symbol is supposed to be a ( 8 ) without the spaces…
as you noted there is no indication in the manual the bap supports anything but single dimensional arrays, and it would be much cleaner looking code if it did. I suppose you could always implement them manually but any sort of optimization potential at the compiler level completely goes away at that point since it would have to fully recompute the index on every access.
anyway, kurte are you going to take this code and add your keypad scanning / demultiplexing logic to it?
Ok time for a small update. I had a few boxes made, they had to machine them down from a standard (taller) part. I’m converting the LCD display to a Matrix Orbital unit. Should be able to start working on the keyboard code soon.