Ok, it appears like what I described in the previous post is somewhat expected. It is described in the manual:
I now have the program working with binding, plus a sample test program that prints out the 7 channel values and detects when the receiver is powered up without the transmitter as well as lost the connection later.
In case any one else wants to play with my current code, here first is the updated transmitter code:
[code];Description: Lynxmotion costum RC radio
;Software version: V1.1
;Date: 29-12-2008
;Programmer: Jim Frye (aka RobotDude), Kurt (aka Kurte), Jeroen Janssen (aka Xan)
;Hardware setup: ABB2 with ATOM 28 Pro, Spectrum DM8, 2 joysticks, 2 sliders, HEX keypath, display
;NEW IN V1.0
; - As released
;NEW IN V1.1
; - Added calibration sub. Calibrates the joysticks at powerup. (Xan)
; CAUTION: Be sure that the left joystick is in the outer down position by powerup!
; - Added small offset at the pulses to decrease the send error. (Xan)
; - Added Alive meganism. Sends 1000 on the buttons channel every 4 cycles
;New in V1.2
; - More use of arrays and zero index variable names (Kurt)
; - Assembly language output of pulses - should be vary accurate (Kurt)
; - Removed alive function
; - calibrate of left joystick up/down has a little validation.
; - Add Bind function, set pulses to predefined values to bind with,
; Once bound with this, this is the values will use if it loses connection
; with transmitter.
; If Receiver is powered up without transmitter, all channels will go to default
; except for channel 0 (Throttle - by manual). If receiver loses contact with
; receiver channel 0 will go to default.
; - None at the moment
Display con 8
Speaker con 9
Row0 con 10
Row1 con 11
Row2 con 12
Row3 con 13
DM8PPM con 15 ; Spectrum DM8 signal
;DO_IN_BASIC con 1
#ifndef DO_IN_BASIC
PULSE_FIX con 20
PULSE_FIX con 20
Calibrated var bit
ChaVals var word(7)
ChaOffset var word(6)
iFudge var byte ; used as an array index in our fudge values code
wButtonPulseWidth var word
keypress var byte
col1 var bit
col2 var bit
col3 var bit
col4 var bit
; create variables for averaging code
index var byte
buffer0 var word(8)
buffer1 var word(8)
buffer2 var word(8)
buffer3 var word(8)
buffer4 var word(8)
buffer5 var word(8)
sum0 var word
sum1 var word
sum2 var word
sum3 var word
sum4 var word
sum5 var word
input p4
input p5
input p6
input p7
output p10
output p11
output p12
output p13
; initialize each buffer element, each sum, and then index to 0
for index = 0 to 7
buffer0(index) = 542
buffer1(index) = 542
buffer2(index) = 542
buffer3(index) = 542
buffer4(index) = 542
buffer5(index) = 542
sum0 = 4336
sum1 = 4336
sum2 = 4336
sum3 = 4336
sum4 = 4336
sum5 = 4336
index = 0
; chirpy squeak kinda thing
sound Speaker, [100\880, 100\988, 100\1046, 100\1175] ;musical notes, A,B,C,D.
; wake up the Matrix Orbital display module
serout Display ,i19200, [254, 66, 0] ;Backlight on, no timeout.
serout Display ,i19200, [254, 64, “The D-I-Y 2.4ghzRobot Radio Set!”] ;startup screen. Do only once…
pause 3000
; Mark for calibration
Calibrated = 0
; initialize the ppm output signal
low DM8PPM
; check to see if we should do a bind operation
gosub CheckKeypad
if wButtonPulseWidth <> 1100 then
gosub DoRadioBind
; — top of main loop —
gosub CheckKeypad
ChaVals(6) = wButtonPulseWidth
; averaging expects that the a/d values are < 4096
; for each channel
; read the a/d
; subtract the previous value from 8 samples ago from the sum
; store the new value in the circular buffer
; add the new value to the sum
; divide the sum by 8 to get the average value
; convert joystick values 392 - 692 to servo values 1000uS - 2000uS
adin 2, ChaVals(0) ; right vertical 16
sum0 = sum0 - buffer0(index)
buffer0(index) = ChaVals(0)
sum0 = sum0 + ChaVals(0)
ChaVals(0) = sum0 / 8
ChaVals(0) = (((ChaVals(0)*42)-6500)/10)
ChaVals(0) = ChaVals(0) + chaOffset(0)
adin 3, ChaVals(1) ; right horizontal 17
sum1 = sum1 - buffer1(index)
buffer1(index) = ChaVals(1)
sum1 = sum1 + ChaVals(1)
ChaVals(1) = sum1 / 8
ChaVals(1) = (((ChaVals(1)*42)-6500)/10)
ChaVals(1) = ChaVals(1) + chaOffset(1)
adin 0, ChaVals(2) ; left vertical 18
sum2 = sum2 - buffer2(index)
buffer2(index) = ChaVals(2)
sum2 = sum2 + ChaVals(2)
ChaVals(2) = sum2 / 8
ChaVals(2) = (((ChaVals(2)*42)-6500)/10)
ChaVals(2) = ChaVals(2) + chaOffset(2)
adin 1, ChaVals(3) ; left horizontal 19
sum3 = sum3 - buffer3(index)
buffer3(index) = ChaVals(3)
sum3 = sum3 + ChaVals(3)
ChaVals(3) = sum3 / 8
ChaVals(3) = (((ChaVals(3)*42)-6500)/10)
ChaVals(3) = ChaVals(3) + chaOffset(3)
adin 18, ChaVals(4) ; Left slider
sum4 = sum4 - buffer4(index)
buffer4(index) = ChaVals(4)
sum4 = sum4 + ChaVals(4)
ChaVals(4) = sum4 / 8
ChaVals(4) = ChaVals(4) + 988
adin 19, ChaVals(5) ; Right slider
sum5 = sum5 - buffer5(index)
buffer5(index) = ChaVals(5)
sum5 = sum5 + ChaVals(5)
ChaVals(5) = sum5 / 8
ChaVals(5) = ChaVals(5) + 988
; finally increment the index and limit its range to 0 to 7.
index = (index + 1) & 7
if Calibrated=1 then
; update the display module
branch index, [update1,update2,update3,update4,update5,update6,update7,update8]
serout Display, i19200, [254, 71, 11, 1, keypress]
goto makepulses
if ChaVals(5)<1000 then
serout Display, i19200, [254, 71, 6, 2, " ", dec ChaVals(5)]
serout Display, i19200, [254, 71, 6, 2, dec ChaVals(5)]
goto makepulses
if ChaVals(4)<1000 then
serout Display, i19200, [254, 71, 6, 1, " ", dec ChaVals(4)]
serout Display, i19200, [254, 71, 6, 1, dec ChaVals(4)]
goto makepulses
if ChaVals(3)<1000 then
serout Display, i19200, [254, 71, 1, 2, " ", dec ChaVals(3)]
serout Display, i19200, [254, 71, 1, 2, dec ChaVals(3)]
goto makepulses
if ChaVals(2)<1000 then
serout Display, i19200, [254, 71, 1, 1, " ", dec ChaVals(2)]
serout Display, i19200, [254, 71, 1, 1, dec ChaVals(2)]
goto makepulses
if ChaVals(1)<1000 then
serout Display, i19200, [254, 71, 13, 2, " ", dec ChaVals(1)]
serout Display, i19200, [254, 71, 13, 2, dec ChaVals(1)]
goto makepulses
if ChaVals(0)<1000 then
serout Display, i19200, [254, 71, 13, 1, " ", dec ChaVals(0)]
serout Display, i19200, [254, 71, 13, 1, dec ChaVals(0)]
goto makepulses
; build and send the ppm output
gosub GeneratePulses
if Calibrated=0 & index=0 then
gosub Calibrate
; do it again ad infinitum
goto start
; Generate Pulse function
; Variables used: ChanVals array has the pulse widths in us
#ifndef DO_IN_BASIC
; fudge the values. It looks like the transmitter may not fully accuratly take
; the signals in and give them out 100% correctly. So try to fudge…
for iFudge = 0 to 6
ChaVals(iFudge) = chaVals(iFudge) - 3 + (ChaVals(iFudge)-988)/70
output DM8PPM
; The DM8PPM pin should already be configured for output...
; This is P15 on BAP which is P87 on the underlying H8/3694
; transistion to assembly language.
; fist setup loop counters and the like before we manipulate the IO port
mov.l #CHAVALS:32, er3 ; er3 has pointer to our array of desired values
mov.b #7, r2l ; r2l has count of how many channels we wish to output
bset.b #7,@PCR8:8 ; make sure set to output, basic should have done earlier!
bset.b #7,@PDR8:8 ; (L8)set P15 high (Low over head here 26)
mov.w #200, r1 ; (H4) - We want to pause 400 .5us (pauseus does .5 us)
nop ; (H2)
nop ; (H2)
nop ; (H2)
nop ; (H2)
jsr @_MP_PAUSE:24 ; (H8) - Call our wait function.
bclr.b #7,@PDR8:8 ; (H8) Go low again - so high overhead here (26)
mov.w @er3+, r1 ; (L6) Get the wait count for current channel from array and increment array pointer
sub.w #400, r1 ; (L4) subtract off our high pulse widths..
jsr @_MP_PAUSE:24 ; (L8) call our wait function
dec.b r2l ; (L2) decrement our counter for how many items to output
bne _MP_LOOP:8 ; (L4) still more channels to output
; loop is done, need to do trailing pulse
bset.b #7,@PDR8:8 ; (8)set P15 high
mov.w #200, r1 ; (4) - We want to pause 400
jsr @_MP_PAUSE:24 ; (8) - Call our wait function.
bclr.b #7,@PDR8:8 ; (8) Go low again
bra _MP_DONE:8 ; we are done!
; internal assembly function to wait a number of us
; Overhead of setup and call to here: 28 or 30
; setup and return overhead: 20: so total of 48/16 = 3us
; add/subtract some fudge
sub.w #3, r1 ; (4) - subtract call/setup overhead from counter
shal.w r1 ; (2) - will multply by 16 to get clock cycles
shal.w r1 ; (2) - Should be safe max value ~2000
shal.w r1 ; (2)
shal.w r1 ; (2)
nop ; fudge
nop ;
sub.w #8, r1 ; (4) - decrement the time per loop cycle from loop
bne _MP_PAUSE_LOOP:8 ; (4) - hard spin in the loop. - since round number can simply test for zero
rts ; (8) - return
; will fall through to return and transition back into basic
ChaVals(0) = (((ChaVals(0)-PULSE_FIX)*2)-800) ; right vertical
ChaVals(1) = (((ChaVals(1)-PULSE_FIX)*2)-800) ; right horizontal
ChaVals(2) = (((ChaVals(2)-PULSE_FIX)*2)-800) ; left vertical
ChaVals(3) = (((ChaVals(3)-PULSE_FIX)*2)-800) ; left horizontal
ChaVals(4) = (((ChaVals(4)-PULSE_FIX)*2)-800)
ChaVals(5) = (((ChaVals(5)-PULSE_FIX)*2)-800)
ChaVals(6) = ((ChaVals(6)*2)-800)
high DM8PPM ;pulsout 15,800
pauseus 400
low DM8PPM
pauseus ChaVals(0)
high DM8PPM ;pulsout 15,800
pauseus 400
low DM8PPM
pauseus ChaVals(1)
high DM8PPM ;pulsout 15,800
pauseus 400
low DM8PPM
pauseus ChaVals(2)
high DM8PPM ;pulsout 15,800
pauseus 400
low DM8PPM
pauseus ChaVals(3)
high DM8PPM ;pulsout 15,800
pauseus 400
low DM8PPM
pauseus ChaVals(4)
high DM8PPM ;pulsout 15,800
pauseus 400
low DM8PPM
pauseus ChaVals(5)
high DM8PPM ;pulsout 15,800
pauseus 400
low DM8PPM
pauseus ChaVals(6)
high DM8PPM ;pulsout 15,800
pauseus 400
low DM8PPM
; CheckKeypad function
; Variables updated:
; wButtonPulseWidth - The pulse width
; keypress - the ascii value associated with that key.
low Row0
high Row1
high Row2
high Row3
col1 = in4
col2 = in5
col3 = in6
col4 = in7
;Read buttons
if col1 = 0 then
wButtonPulseWidth = 1200; 1
keypress = "1"
elseif col2 = 0
wButtonPulseWidth = 1250; 2
keypress = "2"
elseif col3 = 0
wButtonPulseWidth = 1300; 3
keypress = "3"
elseif col4 = 0
wButtonPulseWidth = 1650; A
keypress = "A"
high Row0
low Row1
col1 = in4
col2 = in5
col3 = in6
col4 = in7
if col1 = 0 then
wButtonPulseWidth = 1350; 4
keypress = "4"
elseif col2 = 0
wButtonPulseWidth = 1400; 5
keypress = "5"
elseif col3 = 0
wButtonPulseWidth = 1450; 6
keypress = "6"
elseif col4 = 0
wButtonPulseWidth = 1700; B
keypress = "B"
high Row1
low Row2
col1 = in4
col2 = in5
col3 = in6
col4 = in7
if col1 = 0 then
wButtonPulseWidth = 1500; 7
keypress = "7"
elseif col2 = 0
wButtonPulseWidth = 1550; 8
keypress = "8"
elseif col3 = 0
wButtonPulseWidth = 1600; 9
keypress = "9"
elseif col4 = 0
wButtonPulseWidth = 1750; C
keypress = "C"
high Row2
low Row3
col1 = in4
col2 = in5
col3 = in6
col4 = in7
if col1 = 0 then
wButtonPulseWidth = 1150; 0
keypress = "0"
elseif col2 = 0
wButtonPulseWidth = 1900; F
keypress = "F"
elseif col3 = 0
wButtonPulseWidth = 1850 ; E
keypress = "E"
elseif col4 = 0
wButtonPulseWidth = 1800; D
keypress = "D"
wButtonPulseWidth = 1100; None is pushed
keypress = " "
;Calibrates middle positions of the sticks to 1500
;Calibrates left vertical stick to be total down
serout Display, i19200, [254, 88] ;clear screen
serout Display, i19200, [254, 0, “Calibrating…”]
pause 1000
ChaOffset(0) = 1500 - ChaVals(0) ; right vertical 16
ChaOffset(1) = 1500 - ChaVals(1) ; right horizontal 17
; special care for this one as user(me) may forget to put down to bottom
; if (chaVals(2) > 975) and (chaVals(2) < 1125) then
ChaOffset(2) = 1000 - ChaVals(2) ; left vertical 18
; else
; ChaOffset(2) = 0
; endif
ChaOffset(3) = 1500 - ChaVals(3) ; left horizontal 19
serout Display, i19200, [254, 88] ;clear screen
; Mark as calibrated
; DoRadioBind function
; This function will set the 7 channels to fixed values that are transmitted
; This is used when the user is trying to bind the transmitter to the receiver
; Once bound, the receiver will use these values whenever it loses contact
; with the transmitter. This will allow us to have code on the receiver side
; that can detect this and put the robot into a safe state.
; TBD: Could allow the values to be set by each user, by where the sticks are, or
; could use keypad to enter…
; This function does not return.
serout Display, i19200, [254, 88] ;clear screen
serout Display ,i19200, [254, 0, ">>Radio Bind!<<"] ;startup screen. Do only once...
while 1
ChaVals = 1500, 1500, 800, 1500, 988, 988, 2000
gosub GeneratePulses ; output pulses.
pause 6 ; not sure
return ; will never happen!
Here is my sample test program with the assembly level receive function that reads in all 7 channels regardless of the order. I do have some timeouts working in the code as well now.
; DIY - Radio Receiver Test Program
; Currently this program assumes all 7 inputs are hooked up to P0-P6
; TBD - Make more general purpose, to allow different input pins.
; For P1-P7 change mask from 0x7f to 0xfe and make pulse_values word(8)
; For P8,10-15 change mask to 0xFD, PDR5 to PDR8, and pulse_values to word(8)
; BUGBUG - Need to check how PCR5 and PMR5 are used…
awPulsesIn var word(7)
bPulseTimeout var byte
awPulsesPrev var word(7)
fPulseChanged var bit ; we had a channel change
fNoTransmitter var bit ; did we detect no transmitter…
fLostTransmitter var bit ; We lost contact with transmitter
i var byte
keypress var byte
pulse_slop con 2
; Init code
; Make sure all 7 pins are marked for input…
input p0
input p1
input p2
input p3
input p4
input p5
input p6
fNoTransmitter = 0 ; assume we have a transmitter.
fLostTransmitter = 0
gosub Pulsein7
; if we get a timeout and it is channel 0 then we now the receiver is not on...
if (bPulseTimeout) then
; we detected no tranmitter at startup...
if fNoTransmitter = 0 then
serout s_out, i9600, "No Transmitter at power up(",hex bPulseTimeout, ")", 13 ]
fNoTransmitter = 1
elseif awPulsesIn(0) < 950
; On Bind we set channel 1 to about 800 normal is usually > 1000 so if under 950
; we probably lost our connection with the transmitter
if fLostTransmitter = 0 then
serout s_out, i9600, "Lost contact with transmitter", 13]
fLostTransmitter = 1
; Ok we hamve a message so reset our error codes
fNoTransmitter = 0 ; assume we have a transmitter.
fLostTransmitter = 0
fPulseChanged = 0
for i = 0 to 6
if (awPulsesIn(i) > (awPulsesPrev(i)+pulse_slop)) or (awPulsesIn(i) < (awPulsesPrev(i)-pulse_slop)) then
fPulseChanged = 1
awPulsesPrev(i) = awPulsesIn(i)
if fPulseChanged or bPulseTimeout then
if awPulsesIn(6) < 1135 then
keypress = 0xff
keypress = (awPulsesIn(6)+15 - 1150) / 50 ; add in some slope as we could be slight
serout s_out, i9600, [hex bPulseTimeout, ":", hex keypress, ":" ]
for i = 0 to 6
serout s_out, i9600, [dec awPulsesIn(i)," "]
serout s_out, i9600,[13]
if keypress = 0xA then
low 12
input p12
if keypress = 0xB then
low 13
input p13
if keypress = 0xC then
low 14
input p14
goto start
; Read in all 7 servo values in one pass.
; Make sure all 7 IOs are set to input.
PMR5 = 0 ; all IO lines are general IO
PCR5 = 0 ; All are input (may want to leave bit 7 alone…
; Ok now lets transisiton to assembly language.
; bMask = 0x7f ; set a mask of which bits we are needing…
; ; Mask could be 0xFE for pins 1-7, need to make array 8 not 7
mov.b #0x7f, r1l ; Ok R1l will be our mask for outstanding IO port bytes.
; wait until none of the IO lines are high...
; while PDR5 & bMask
; ;
; wend
mov.l #250000,er2 ;(4) - setup timeout counter
mov.b @PDR5:8, r0l
and.b r1l, r0l ; see if any of the IO bits is still on…
beq _PI7_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_IO_TO_GO_HIGH:8 ; all zero go to wait for one to go high…
dec.l #1,er2 ;(2)
bne _PI7_WAIT_FOR_ALL_LOW:8 ; an IO pin is high and we have not timed out, keep looping until none are high
; We timed out waiting for all inputs to be low, so error out…
bra _P17_RETURN_STATUS:16 ; will return status that all timed out…
; while bMask
mov.l #250000,er2 ;(4) - setup timeout counter
; we still need some 1 or more of the pulses…
; while (PDR5 & bMask) = 0 ; waiting for a pulse to go high.
mov.b @PDR5:8, r0l ;(4)
and.b r1l, r0l ;(*2) see if any of the IO bits is still on…
bne _P17_IO_WENT_HIGH:8 ;(*4) One went high so go process
dec.l #1,er2 ;(2)
bne _PI7_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_IO_TO_GO_HIGH2:8 ; (4) Not a timeout go try again.
; we timed out…
bra _P17_RETURN_STATUS:16 ; will return status of what timed out…
; wend
; iPin = ???; TBD: convert which bit is high to IO line number 0-6
; see which bit is on in the mask
xor.w r2,r2 ;(*2)
xor.b r0h, r0h ;(*2)
mov.l #AWPULSESIN,er3 ;(*6)
shlr.b r0l ;(@2)
bcs _P17_WHICH_BIT_LOOP_DONE:8 ;(@4)
inc.b r0h ;(@2)
inc.l #2, er3 ;(@2) - point to the next place in the array.
add.w #18,r2 ;(@4) - we do 18 clocks for each pass through this loop
bra _P17_WHICH_BIT_LOOP:8 ;(@4)
; bMaskBit = 1 << iPin ; get the mask for which pin…
xor.b r1h,r1h ;(*2)
bset.b r0h,r1h ;(*2) ok we have the mask
bclr.b r0h,r1l ;(*2) and clear it from our global mask of ones we are waiting for
; = (22) - count so far of clocks after went high
; iPinLoopCnt = 0 ; This may be replaced with time calculations…
; while (PDR5 & bMaskBit)
; iPinLoopCnt = iPinLoopCnt + 1 ; how long until it goes low again
; wend
mov.b @PDR5:8, r0l ;(#4)
and.b r1h, r0l ;(#2)
beq _P17_IO_WENT_BACK_LOW:8 ;(#4)
add.w #18,r2 ;(#4) - number of cyles per loop
bcc _P17_WAIT_FOR_IO_GO_BACK_LOW:8 ;(#4)
; we had a timeout return the status.
bset.b r0h, r1l ; turn back on the bit we were waiting for...
bra _P17_RETURN_STATUS:8 ;
; need to calculate the pulse width in ms… need to divide calculated clocks by 16
add.w #22,r2 ; (4) ; need to add the rest of the overhead(*-1 loop above) in…
shlr.w r2 ; (2)
shlr.w r2 ; (2)
shlr.w r2 ; (2)
shlr.w r2 ; (2) / 16 (for clock speed)
; aPulses(iPin) = iPinLoopCnt ; convert loop count to pulse width…
mov.w r2,@er3 ; Save away the value
; bMask = bMask & ~bMaskBit ; turn off waiting for this one…
or r1l,r1l ; (2) see if we are done or not
; wend
bne _PI7_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_IO_TO_GO_HIGH:16 ;(6)our mask has not gone to zero so wait for the next one.
; finally transisition back to basic and return.
Have fun