Digispark - Small (19mm x 26mm) Arduino / USB Dev

So a while back I splashed a little cash on Kickstarter. I hadn't seen or heard of any Arduino's that were as small as the Digispark and I thought it'd be interesting to play with. I pledged a little higher than I should of, with the intention of sharing the Digisparks around (to split the cost of delivery and customs charges) and when they started offering shields to go with the Digisparks I put my name down for several.

That was in September. Roll forward to today when I received a little parcel in the mail.

First thing that caught me by surprise was that it was just a little parcel. These Digisparks don't take up much room at 19mm x 26mm (less than an Inch x an Inch) and even with breakable headers, sockets and shield kits the parcel was pretty light.

First thing I did was upload an LED blink test script. Naturally I went on to tweak the test script so it glowed instead of flashing. Unfortunately that was all I had time for during my lunch break. When I got home from work I quickly put together an RGB LED shield and tried the test script, it did a good job of blending the colours together and I started pondering what uses I was going make of these interesting little boards.

At only 6 I/O pins (two are shared with USB, so there are only 4 I/O pins available if you want to use it plugged into a computer), things may be a little limited but who doesn't enjoy a good challenge?

The Digispark has hardware I2C support so those few I/O pins could be put to good use with items such as this LCD or a range of sensors.


I'll have to stop here for tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to share some examples and interesting uses of the Digispark in the near future.

Nice gadget but not new

Nice gadget but not new :slight_smile:


The cool thing with the ATtiny85 is the limitations, you need to think and this challenge is what I like.

One of my friends made a slightly bigger version with the ATMega328


Nice work!

Very nice implementation lumi.

It’s certainly not a new idea but this is reasonably accessible (no need to etch boards or have an ISP), especially when combined with the idea of shields.

I remember trying to scale one of my projects down by going for an 8-pin PIC (this is going back several years, can’t remember the exact project) but having only programmed 18-pin PIC16F84A’s I was out of my depth. I’d feel a lot easier about picking up some ATTiny85’s after prototyping the system with a Digispark or something like your board.

Right, to scale down a

Right, to scale down a project is the Attiny a good choice even if the price is not much lower than a ATMega168 or 328…

Can you show a picture from the backside of the board. There must be the USB controller, right?

No USB controller.
Lumi, I’ll get a photo of the under-side for you. No USB controller, the ATTiny85 handles that (hence it can behave like a keyboard, mouse, joystick, etc if you want) and the only down-side is the 5sec delay at power-up where it checks to see if it is being programmed.

Got it…thanks.

Got it…thanks.