Digi Servo - position command faster than 20ms?

I am building a program in labview to directly drive servos with a PWM signal generated from a digital line, no SSC-32, etc. I am using a real-time system so loop times are not an issue. I am wondering if you can send position commands to digital servos (using an HSR-5990TG in this case) at a rate faster than 20ms. If you can, what are the benefits of doing this? Problems?

Okay, well I guess I know that you can run the digital servos at faster than 20ms updates, I was just running one at 5ms updates for a short period of time. I am curious if I risk damaging the servo or if there are positives to doing this.

Anyone ever try? Have any feedback?

I think I read about someone doing this on here but unfortunately I cannot find that post . . .

