
So far I have a non autonomous 4 wheel robot. Using an Arduino Uno, a chasis and four small dc motors I've managed to make a robot that will perform some simple instructions previously sketched.

Update: I've added sensor HC-SR04 and basic code that will turn the robot left if an object is closer than 10cm. So far so good with it, I'm testing different distances and speed in order to get the more precise.


Next steps:

- Add a switch to avoid running him to unplug the battery :)

- Add a sensor to perform basic object avoidance -> Very basic, DONE!

- Add some way of controlling it wireless (bluetooth maybe)

- Add a pan mount with a servo to improve object avoidance

By the way, it's name Demax because that's how my daughter understand Baymax (6 Big heroes) was named so we decided to get him a face according to that. She painted it herself and didn't want to let the white part be white.. so he is all red.

Navigate forward and if detects an object it turns right.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Welcome! The photo it’s a

Welcome! The photo it’s a bit blurry. If you use an arduino uno derivate it may be worth to use a cheap motor shield.

Here is an example with an ultrasonic sensor, random movement and bluetooth (can’t edit link from tablet, i’ll beautify later)

Thank you!

I’ve added a new picture showing Demax face and a video showing the motion (it still was on the fixed commands stage). I’ll add a new video later as soon as I get him to move more “fluidly”.