Delta robot with Arduino

This is my first delta robot. It isn't perfect yet, but it works. I tried to use different tools in the end-effector. A vacuum pump made with a syringe and a pen for drawing. Other details, the code and pictures here:

Delta robot with multi-tool end effector

  • CPU: Arduino Nano

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Pretty cool

This just goes to prove that a basic delta robot is fairly cheap to make.

The robot is a bit imprecise, most likely due to play in the joints. It would still work great for a pick and place task, such as sorting a bucket of nuts/bolts/washers by size/material. Actually, I should build that, I always have bags of random stuff that need sorting.

When I showed a delta robot to my CNC instructor

he said that they are good in the pick and place roll, but, not so good for attempting to machine because they lack accuracy.

On a completely different note, it is always good to see deltas constructed. Maybe someday I will build one for fun too. :slight_smile:

**Not bad at all **

Hey thats a cool robot I always wanted to make one of those.

You may check the link below which shows a different approach to the making of a delta robot .

For me the difficult is to

For me the difficult is to find good ball joints, cheap, with 3mm hole for the arms. I think the problem is the hardware, not the software. That do you think?

Great work alegiaco

Nice movement…   You could have it shuffle a game of poker…