
Im sure that every body could do it,

Its not hard, i mean, i just want the iorn, because at the moment im using my grand-pa’s, and hes not really happy about it.

Not to mention how old it is!

YAy! Nobody entered anything

YAy! Nobody entered anything else!

That means I win, doesnt it?


Congradulations You Win!

Send me a dirct mail with your Complet Mailing address and a list of wished resistors. So i will be sure to include them. As you dont know were i work they trust me with access to the componets lockers so you just might find some .1% pices in your prise.

HURRAY! :smiley:



But doesnt the shipping cost

But doesnt the shipping cost a billion? I mean, from the Us to switzerland?

So how are we going to do that? half-half? I pay? You pay? I dont get it. :stuck_out_tongue:

**If you want **

If you want we could possibley work out a cash out option. You know like shipping and just mail a letter fully of diodes and stuff.

Ok, I still dont get it,

Ok, I still dont get it, howare we going to do that? If its not possible then ill just take the "random" electrical stuff.

THe soldering iorn would be 120V anyway, and we have 220.

**OK **

Here is what we need either you create a paypal account or i mail a letter with a check and the resitors, diodes and some caps.

**Ok i sent you a message… **

Ok i sent you a message…


**ok **

I got your message and am puting every thing to gether i will let you know when it ships. By the way i do still have one question are you using just a question. because i saw some irons with the GB style and was woundering if you were useing that or maybe you have the one that takes all of them. In other words post a pic of your outlet. Never thought i would ask for a pic of that.

I Mailed the prize and this

I Mailed the prize and this is what is inside of it. A pair of motors, A LOT of resistors some caps and about 60 diodes, a small breadbord, about 10 switches, 4 standoffs with bolts and washer, and a computer plug conector for you to make your progamer with.


You are what you make of yourself.

Aw, I’m upset. I was hoping to see a photo of your old soldering iron as promised!

YAY :stuck_out_tongue: I was thinking that

YAY :stuck_out_tongue:

I was thinking that id get alot less.

But thats great!

One mega awsome thanks you to you!

cant wait for it to arrive!

Thank you so much!THe parts

Thank you so much!

THe parts arived today!

They sre sooo cooollll.

I was so busy uhing and ahing the new parts, that i was late for scholl :frowning:

And this challenge from '08

And this challenge from '08 is new because… ???


Perhaps it’s new simply because the author changed a minor detail. The LMR CMS marks nodes as new again after such silly updates.

It was me, the page was

It was me, the page was using a .BMP as main picture, which makes a mess. I changed it to ahve a nicer list of challenge.