Hi, I have looked at all the instruction manuals I can find ( I may have missed one) for the Mini Driver, but cant seem to find out if, the Dagu can comunicate with a Raspi via the ISP ( instead of the USB) . Anyone know if this is possible ? if so could you please tell me the pin out ?
-- Alan Turing --
(Not really Him BTW)
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You would lose I/O pins, but the Pi could program it over the ISP. You’d have to write a SPI slave sketch to take SPI commands from the Pi, with a protocol etc.
It would be easier to use the female four pin D0/D1 serial port, but remember that the Pi is a 3.3v device, so you would have to divide the Arduino’s TX before feeding it to the Pi’s RX. You would still need to write a sketch to implement a protocol for so the Pi could control the mini, and a library on the Pi side (for its side of the protocol)
I believe OddBot has done some work
regarding making a mini driver a slave. Maybe via i2c.
thanks for the reply
I’m using the Dawn Robotics Pi-Dagu Robot build as a sort of template. This already talks to the Dagu from the Pi but via the mini usb. I was hoping to cut down on USB’s so that I could use maybe the Cut-Down-Pi ,this would help with power drain. I have already made a 7.2v to 5v stepdown circuit which works fine. The Pi’s power is already fed from the Mini Driver. But I understand that RX voltage input is more sensative.
So the D0/D1 are the TX and RX pins ?
Sorry should have posted my
Sorry should have posted my reply here 
You are welcome!
Yep, you can find the docs here:
Hope that helps!
I2C would work well, but you would lose two of the analog inputs.