CYBERlite Robo Sapien X1 - Kyle

This robot project is just planned. It will start much later as much of research work is required to be done.

Walk around,, imitates human actions, climb stairs, moves to wards light, picks up liftable objects like CYBERlite Supernova X1, sits, clap activated, use an identify remote to make it come to you

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 micro servos, 10 x 311 standard servos, 6 geared motors, 16 x 2 LCD
  • Control method: Autonomous and identifier remote
  • CPU: Homemade Arduino with atMEGA168 - Dual Core
  • Operating system: Windows XP for programming
  • Power source: 8 x NiMH - 9.6 v / 2000 mAh
  • Programming language: Arduino C
  • Sensors / input devices: LDR, TSOP Infrared Set, Ultrasonic ranger, Clap sensor, Wireless mic
  • Target environment: indoors for now

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