Custom PCB Manufacturing

Hello everybody!

Would anyone know were I could get made a custom PCB with two copper layers and a silkscreen layer? I have been searching for two weeks now, but all the manufacturers are either too expensive or don't accept my file format (PDF).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Why do you use a PDF instead

Why do you use a PDF instead of extended gerber files? PDF’s are usually only used to etch your PCB by yourself.

About the only way I can imagine a pdf

could be used besides toner transfer or UV would be CNC milled.

Thank you all very much for

Thank you all very much for you help and advice!

As Duane Degn suggested, here are the PDF files for my PCB.


Could you also,

share the schematic?

pdf to gerber

I looked at your pdf files. At a minimum you will need to supply dimensions. I see no proviision for power distribution. You may be better off starting with a free schematic capture and pcb layout program such as Eagle.

OSH Park

I’ve used OSH Park a handful of times, and I’m about to place another order with them for my robot shield for arduino nano :smiley:

Strongly recomended :slight_smile: