CtC Bingo

for the upcoming episode of the friday night video show, i propose a game of "ctc bingo". we create bingo cards with up to 25 typical "chrisisms". whenever you hear on of them being used live in the show, you cross it off your card. when you crossed off five in a row, you shout bingo.

prizes to be determined.

chrisisms include:
i’m not sayin’, i’m just sayin’

please help us to make a complete list of true chrisisms. generic expressions like "wurrrd" do not count. ting probably should be the freebie in the center.


update: i completed the table. the winner gets to change the card for next week: trow out the chrisism you don't like and replace them with better ones.


i'm not sayin',
i'm just sayin'

nigh high metric crap tonne if it ain't broke,
don't fix it

.... for all your
.... needs
mr rik performance
first and foremost
i'm with
you there buddy
(but ...)

if it ain't broke, don't fix it
at any rate the bottom line is .... rock-solid
 let’s get
this show
on the road
hell yeah

gentlemen, please
settle down
[to his sons]

cheese louise boss-man i hate to say this,
but ...

paraphrasing is allowed

I dont get it, where am I

I dont get it, where am I supposed to write the numbers?

(Lack of bingo-experience, I guess, so help me out!)


bs bingo

Great idea Rik, we’ll love

great idea rik, we’ll love it.

@frits no numbers here, its a buzzword bingo or one of my favorite games <a ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ bingo

more chrisisms:

  • ‘p.’, or is this to general?
  • ‘hell yeah’


CtC has so many fun things

CtC has so many fun things he says.

  • “Nigh High” (referring to NiMH batteries)
  • “Lappy” (referring to a laptop computer)
  • Awesome (Too generic?)
  • “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”
  • “rock-solid”
  • “boss-man”
  • "Word to ya motha’ " (Too generic?)
  • “stand-up guy"
  • Wicked
  • "jinky jinx”
  • “bada bing”


how did everyone forget

how did everyone forget performance, feedback, revision

We didn’t

chris and i have been joking bout this list since the earliest episodes. i compiled a list (on paper). now that i am within arm’s reach of that list again, i can report (some of these are phonetic):

- metric crap tonne
- mr rik
- … for all your … needs
- get this show on the road
- first and foremost
- p.
- badaboom badabing
- cheese louise
- at any rate
- the bottom line is …
- performance feedback revision
- i’m with you there buddy (usually followed by “but …”)
- quwalliddy

not all of these are perfect though. some are quite generic. so please keep sending them in, because “i’ve given all i’ve got!”

Awesome list

Awesome on itself is a bit generic. Last episode it was consequently prefixed with the qualifier Friggin’. That makes it specific to the show and to Chris.

Your jinky jinx probably refers to Chris’ verb “to zjink”.

And the stand-up guy would typically get an introduction in the form of “Rik, tell me. What kind of person would … ?”


"disconvobulated", I don’t think there exists a correct spelling for this one.

Bazzinga :smiley:

Bazzinga :smiley:

I’m not sayin’, I’m just sayin’…

Something that was almost touched on by Rik during Live Show 003 (or 011 or 010) 17/9/10

In real bingo (so I’ve heard) the players have different cards; each square is assigned content randomly (without repeats on the same card) to help prevent multiple simultaneous winners.


Yes indeed. A single card

Yes indeed. A single card makes it hard. It would become a whoever-types-BINGO-first-would-win scenario. It also surprises me that bingo is not a universally known game. It’s really just a derivation of the lottery.

Anyhow, the redneck hillbilly in me has a soft spot for the game that reminds me of game halls packed with geriatric rotarians in South Dakota. Maybe if 10 or so different cards were generated, that might cover the wide-viewer base (grin) we currently have. Perhaps assign a number to the cards that would be downloadable. Maybe as an attachment in a blog, Then have players bark out their card number in the shoutbox before the show (to keep things honest), and let the games begin.

The only problem I see is there is no official calling of the squares by the host. Usually a ball is drawn with a letter and a number and the host yells it out to the crowd. Players check their cards for a match and the bingo host keeps track of what has been drawn. Winning players take their card to the host and they check that all squares marked off have actually been called. As this LMR version would be on the fly without official calling of “the numbers,” the bingo host would have to have incredible awareness and organization to make sure nothing slips by. Not that anything is at stake but pride and bragging rights, but still.

:rubbing hands together: Hmm…

I love this word!


Even less universal: ■■■■■■■■ Bingo

Forget clling out numbers (or words). This is about catching your boss talking nonsense. Or your Carpenter.

Feel free to draw your own 5x5 blank crd and fill it up with the above words. You shout Bingo whenever five in a row are crossed off. We’ll take your word (…) for it.

haha BS bingo! So simple. So

haha BS bingo! So simple. So elegant. And I was just getting ready to be Master Complicator on this thing. Couldn’t you imagine, though, people hinging on CtC’s every statement…