Inspired by this one: Autonomous walker, based on a model of the strandbeest. This unit runs on 20rpm 6 volt motors and walks real slow. On the other hand, it's very silent. Due to it's sweeping sensor it can run autonomous, but it can also be controlled with a bluetooth enabled device. On the front a small speaker, connected to a voice record and playback chip; when it runs into something, it does a Uh-Oh :)
Things still to work on:
- give it a paint job
- give it additional light effects
Update 140414: 20 rpm motors replaced with 100 rpm motors to give it some speed. Had to rebuild the center peace because of the length of these motors. New video available.
Update 210414: Gave it a face!
Navigate around via ultrasound or controlled by bluetooth
- Actuators / output devices: servo, dc motors 6v 20 rpm, sound record and playback
- Control method: autonomous and bluetooth
- CPU: atmega32U
- Operating system: C
- Power source: Lipo, 2S, 950mAh
- Programming language: C
- Sensors / input devices: HR-SC04 Ultrasound, Srf04/cheap Bluetooth receiver
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