Creating my bucket list robotic device

I am incredibly happy to happen upon your site as it is the closest I’ve come to solving a life-ling conundrum. All of my life I have wanted to find a machine or gizmo that would scratch my back, or arm or scalp randomly, for relaxation. It is definitely a bucket list item.

This last year I’ve been treated for breast cancer. I’m doing well, so far. But something like this makes you reassess your bucket list, and I am hoping that I can find someone with both the skills and the kindness to create a robotic device that would be capable of doing this for me. If anyone reading this thinks they might be able to help me, could you let me know as well as giving me a price range? I would be very grateful.
Christine Grant
[email protected]

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I hope somebody qualified enough will contact you to accept the gig.

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@Raane Welcome to the RobotShop community. One approach is to contact your local university’s mechanical engineering department and see if there are any students interested in side work. If you can take some time, you can also see if they would accept your project as part of their CAPSTONE course, though that often requires a fee to join, and then the cost of materials and sometimes machine time.

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