Coretech Bluetooth Control

This is a bluetooth remote which lets you control your robot using an Android phone or tablet.


  • easy to use (I wrote an example sketch, no need to care about the complicated parts)
  • really fast
  • Multitouch for the main joysticks
  • should work on all screen sizes (I hope so)


You can find the links and installation instructions here:



EDIT: I think I forgot to mention the hardware side:

This should work best with a HC-05 Bluetooth Module connected to the serial pins.

I am using an Arduino Mega for this and a hc-05 soldered onto a protoboard.

Would be nice to know if someone already tried it out.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Processing Source available?

Very nice! Is there the processing source available anywhere?

Thank you


Thanks for the feedback.I

Thanks for the feedback.

I currently do not want to publish the source. Mainly because this a work in progress and the code is really messy.

If you want to have a feature added I will see what I can do.

Did you try the app and did it work?

yes, your app worked on my

yes, your app worked on my Nexus 5 sendig data to an Arduino board. On the Arduino side I simply printed out the data received so I don’t really know if sending data back to the Android device works.



**Great! **
