
Well this is my first robot nothing to do about it. It’s only some gears a strong motor and 2 dry cells (one battery) in a battery holder, 2 tyres and a switch with a case lock as the face that’s it. But it acts made when I on it. Was very tough to take the video. I just got a brain called ANT and a stronger motor with large wheels. Now what it means is another robot. its finished I thought I will post both the robots together. Read the section below even though its not based on this robot.

About the video

I am not very sure how to post a robot I need HELP. I don’t know how it is but I think it must be like this:

a) Make an account in you tube or any other website

b) Send the video to the website BUT HOW?

That much only I know.


roams around madly

  • Actuators / output devices: gears
  • Power source: 1 battery( sony)
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hey there. You got a good

Hey there. You got a good start to robot making there!

You basically nailed it with the video uploads.

a) sign up to youtube or other video hosting site

b) get the video file from your camera

c) upload to video hosting site

The info on producing a

The info on producing a video at this link might help:

When you edit your robot page there is a place to place the link from YouTube or other video hosting serivce.


Thanks for the information but do you need any wizard for sending it to the website. And then when they ask for the embedded video URL code what should we do?


Thanks for encouraging about my robot