Controlling a bot with an IOS device over HM-10 BLE 4.0 device connection

Ahoy LMR,

    I am trying to find code and apps that will easily allow me to control one if my creations using an HM-10 BLE 4.0 over IOS.  Out of some 15 apps I have only had luck with the Bluetuino app created by Fabian Kopa.  The only problem is that the interface is not really that friendly for vehicle control.  It will work but I am looking for better.  Thoughts or experience?  I hope to hear from someone with sage knowledge.  Thanks!


re: Bot Control with HM-10 BLE

I am working on something similar for my Ava robot now, at present with a Bluno Mega and an Android phone, but soon to switch over to a HM-10 hooked up to a Mega ADK in the coming days (HM-10 arriving in mail tomorrow).

I realize you said iPhone, but the reason I am posting is that it may turn out that lessons and techniques learned with my setup may be applicable to yours as the examples on the internet seem too simple and more custom code is required in my opinion.  I am adding a lot of custom error handling and queuing on each end to make sure I don’t lose messages, which I am noticing right now during peak traffic moments.

My robots require many messages per second to travel in either direction, especially when the bots move their arms as they talk.  Most of the messages are around 15-30 bytes but some are a lot more and get broken apart and stitched back together on the Android side.  I am typically passing messages that hold the equivalent of 8 or 16 signed integers in them, the first 4 integers define the message type, a message ID, a service id and a command id, and the 4-12 integers of data.  This “standard message” can be used to execute a command on any service my robot has, on one of the robots 4 microcontrollers or on the central web server.

I still need to come up with the code to pause when a message has been “lost”, request a resend, and remember and replay messages that have been received in the meantime.

Gotta run.   Cheers,
