Controlling 4 1.5A Linear Actuators Simultaneously from RPi

I need to drive 4 linear actuators (sometimes all at the same time). Each has a max load of 1.5A (12V). Ideally I’d like to control all 4 comfortably from a single board controlled, in turn, from a RaspberryPi4. I had purchased a board from Adafruit (Overview | Adafruit DC and Stepper Motor HAT for Raspberry Pi | Adafruit Learning System). Functionally, it was exactly what I needed but, apparently, it couldn’t handle the simultaneous max load (which I guess could push 6A / 12V).

While I’d love this to be in the form of a “HAT” for the RaspberryPi4, controlling the board through a different kind of connection from the Pi’s GPIO pins is ok with me - but I’d also like there to be a Python library to control it - or something generic that’s relatively easy.

Thanks for the help!


Hello @AlexM and welcome to the RobotShop community,

As you mentioned, the driver you had couldn’t provide enough current at max load. This is because the continuous rating was 1.2A and although it is was able to handle a peak current of 3A this is only for a few seconds.

If you are motors are going to be at max load often it would be best if the driver you choose can provide enough current in that scenario.

I suggest checking the <10A DC Controllers section of the store, you could use two dual-channel drivers or a quad-channel driver that can withstand 1.5A continuous.
