Control cables and sheaths

Hello everyone, I am newly registered to this forum, but have been lurking in the shadows watching for a while!

I know the answer is probably already on here, but I just cant find it and im sorry if I am breaking any newbie rules by doing this, but I have a question for you all!

I have been making puppets for years and designing new mechanisms to do all manner of things, however they where all designed to be operated by the fingers inside of the puppets head rather than servos, but I am now quite interested in looking more closely at designing some simple animatronics, only because I have an interest, not because I have a project or anything.

my question is-

What cables and sheaths should I use to transfer motion to the features on my puppets face like in animatronic creatures from films?
I have been using braided fishing line and Teflon tubing for years and it has worked quite well, and I have also used bicycle brake cables and their sheaths with varied success, also guitar strings and stretchable curtain hanging spring, but I am aware that this isn’t the only option and that there are better ways to do this and better products to use, I just cant seem to find the answers by Googling or find any websites that seem to sell what I am looking for. I recently followed along with a build one of the guys on here was doing (and has probably still in the process) and it was a guy building a 12inch animatronic figure of Indiana jones, it was really great to see and I noticed that he was using ‘spring guides’ rather than the Teflon tubing I am used to working with, is this the norm for animatronics?

I really appreciate any help you all can offer me,

Kind regards,


Hi Ben,
Jonny here.

yes i do remember the Indiana model on here and the use of spring guides is a very good option. I use spring guides in my animatronics and they work really well. especially when the cable is designs to move with the end-effector.

Teflon tube will work very well as you have already discovered, and also Bowden cable housing (bike cable).
I use Bowden cable housing but not from a bike store. that stuff is just too tough and doesnt really like to be bend or rigged up very well.
The stuff i buy is very bendable and has a good rigging tolerance.


Spring guide:

For the servo control i have developed (with the help of DiaLFonZo) a Cable pullpull system. you may want to check that out:!buy-my-parts/cf47

i hope this info helps.

One might use the very thin solid stainless steel fishing leader wire. Searching around in walmart in the past, this was about as close as I could find to very thin steel model airplane u-control wire I had in the past. Plastic coffee stirrers joined together might make for small tubing to run the wire thru.