Continuing My Project

Thanks again Kurt, I added the code to the update driver and it works just fine, but here comes the painful truth… The robot falls to the side where a leg is lifted, meaning he cant stand on 3 legs :confused: . i doubt shortening the legs at this point will help since i tried bringing the starting position of the feet closer to the center. I believe the central body is just too big for a quadruped.

bump, so … I had this idea and want your opinions about it. I’ll attach a 360 degree servo under the robot with a weight connected to it. The weight will move in a circular motion and will always move against the lifted leg, this will create a moment to stop the robot from falling over. So, what do you think ?

That would seem like a good idea. for one it would shift the COG around.
May i show you how i got my quads body to shift while walking…
The code uses a bytetable to shift the body as each opposite leg is lifted. i would assume a few adjustments will need to be made to get it to shift correctly for your quad.

'Walking comp tables for 24step: ; GaitLegNr(cLF) = 13 ; GaitLegNr(cRR) = 19 ; GaitLegNr(cRF) = 1 ; GaitLegNr(cLR) = 7 ; (RF) (LR) (LF) (RR) ;0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, X_Axis_Shift bytetable 89, 90,100,110,120,130,140,150,151,152,153,152,151,150,140,130,120,110,100, 90, 89, 88, 87, 88, 89, ; (RF) (LR) (LF) (RR) ;0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, Z_Axis_Shift bytetable 130,128,130,132,134,136,138,140,138,136,134,132,130,128,130,132,134,136,138,140,138,136,134,132,130,

need to add:
X_Axis_Shift = (Xcomp(GaitStep))-128
Z_Axis_Shift = (Zcomp(GaitStep))-128
To the code in the [GAIT] section:

GaitCurrentLegNr var nib
Gait [GaitCurrentLegNr]

BodyPosX = (Xcomp(GaitStep))-128
BodyPosZ = (Zcomp(GaitStep))-128
;Clear values under the cTravelDeadZone
IF (GaitInMotion=0) THEN

Also here are the gait that worked well for me:

;Gait selector
IF (GaitType = 0) THEN ;Wave 24 steps
GaitLegNr(cLR) = 1
GaitLegNr(cRF) = 21
GaitLegNr(cRR) = 13
GaitLegNr(cLF) = 9

NrLiftedPos = 3
HalfLiftHeigth = 0
TLDivFactor = 20
StepsInGait = 24
NomGaitSpeed = 100

I did make a few variations of this code but you will find the body shifting and walking code here:
Study the code. you should be familiar with it was its derived from Xans Phoenix code too.

noticed an error sorry.
should be…

GaitCurrentLegNr var nib
Gait [GaitCurrentLegNr]

BodyPosX = (X_Axis_Shift(GaitStep))-128
BodyPosZ = (Z_Axis_Shift(GaitStep))-128
;Clear values under the cTravelDeadZone
IF (GaitInMotion=0) THEN

Thanks for the reply, innerbreed. I thought about modifying the code to balance the robot while a leg is lifted but to be honest my understanding of the code is quite limited. I’ll try the code you posted here as soon as i get back home , im out of country for a couple of days at the moment.

Ok, im back home. I added the table and the two lines in [Gait] part and programmed it, the robot starts to wiggle it’s legs randomly. I thought adding the gait you mentioned would help but no change. It seems these 2 lines have changed the robot idle state (when no buttons are pressed) and its struggling to stable … its just a theory, im not really sure :stuck_out_tongue: . ill await your reply.

I have a few suspicions as to why you are getting that response.
Using my full code might be a quicker option, Rather than the samples i posted. There are other parts of the code you’ll need to add like the variables etc.
What modifications have you made on the original code. Does the code still have all the parts for 6legs or only 4.

If you attach your code ill have a better look for you.

The code is the latest code made by xan the link was posted a few posts ago, i only changed the dimensions then added your part. so i guess it has all the 6 legged parts in it.

Ok that’s good. Ill explain later when i get home but having all the legs initial kinda makes it work better.
Ill update you as soon as i can. :wink:

ok here is a few things to think about…
first i forgot that i was using the T-Hex code as mine quad was 4dof. (not sure how much difference there is apart from the physical dof)

second i used this in my last update. (sorry to be so vague on this, but its not fresh in my mind as i did this a while ago)

[code];[GAIT Sequence]
;Calculate Gait sequence
LastLeg = 0
;Check IF the Gait is in motion
GaitInMotion = ((ABS(TravelLengthX)>cTravelDeadZone) | (ABS(TravelLengthZ)>cTravelDeadZone) | (ABS(TravelRotationY)>cTravelDeadZone) )
BodyPosX = (X_Axis_Shift(GaitStep))-128
BodyPosZ = (Z_Axis_Shift(GaitStep))-128
for LegIndex = 0 to 5 ; for all legs

if LegIndex = 5 then ; last leg
  LastLeg = 1 

GOSUB Gait [LegIndex] 

next ; next leg

if you can attach the code you are using it may be easier for me to look over it. that way i can check all the little bits.

Still the same result, here is the core code im using at the moment, its quite long:

[code];USE_IDLEPROC con 1
;Project Lynxmotion Phoenix
;Description: Phoenix software
;Software version: V2.1 alfa
;Date: 19-04-2011
;Programmer: Jeroen Janssen (aka Xan)
;Hardware setup: ABB2 with ATOM 28 Pro, SSC32 V2
;NEW IN V2.1
; - Improved SSC sync function (Kåre)
; - Added a commit function for the SSC
; - Changed SSC command set to binary mode (Kurt)
; - Added new gaits and improved gait engine with 5 lifted leg positions (Kåre)
; - Added support for different leg lengths
; - Optional 4DOF (Configure at cfg file)
; - Single point of configuration for the Angle to PWM calculations (Kåre)
; - Optional Safety turn off when voltage drops below setpoint
; - Moved SSC and BAP timer functions to a separate Driver file
; - Variable speed for GP sequences
; - None at the moment :wink:
;Project file order:
; 1. Phoenix_Config_xxx.bas
; 2. Phoenix_Core.bas
; 3. Phoenix_Control_xxx.bas
; 4. Phoenix_Driver_xxx.bas

c1DEC con 10
c2DEC con 100
c4DEC con 10000
c6DEC con 1000000

cRR con 0
cRM con 1
cRF con 2
cLR con 3
cLM con 4
cLF con 5
;ArcCosinus Table
;Table build in to 3 part to get higher accuracy near cos = 1.
;The biggest error is near cos = 1 and has a biggest value of 3*0.012098rad = 0.521 deg.
;- Cos 0 to 0.9 is done by steps of 0.0079 rad. (1/127)
;- Cos 0.9 to 0.99 is done by steps of 0.0008 rad (0.1/127)
;- Cos 0.99 to 1 is done by step of 0.0002 rad (0.01/64)
;Since the tables are overlapping the full range of 127+127+64 is not necessary. Total bytes: 277
GetACos bytetable 255,254,252,251,250,249,247,246,245,243,242,241,240,238,237,236,234,233,232,231,229,228,227,225, |
224,223,221,220,219,217,216,215,214,212,211,210,208,207,206,204,203,201,200,199,197,196,195,193, |
192,190,189,188,186,185,183,182,181,179,178,176,175,173,172,170,169,167,166,164,163,161,160,158, |
157,155,154,152,150,149,147,146,144,142,141,139,137,135,134,132,130,128,127,125,123,121,119,117, |
115,113,111,109,107,105,103,101,98,96,94,92,89,87,84,81,79,76,73,73,73,72,72,72,71,71,71,70,70, |
70,70,69,69,69,68,68,68,67,67,67,66,66,66,65,65,65,64,64,64,63,63,63,62,62,62,61,61,61,60,60,59, |
59,59,58,58,58,57,57,57,56,56,55,55,55,54,54,53,53,53,52,52,51,51,51,50,50,49,49,48,48,47,47,47, |
46,46,45,45,44,44,43,43,42,42,41,41,40,40,39,39,38,37,37,36,36,35,34,34,33,33,32,31,31,30,29,28, |
28,27,26,25,24,23,23,23,23,22,22,22,22,21,21,21,21,20,20,20,19,19,19,19,18,18,18,17,17,17,17,16, |

;Sin table 90 deg, persision 0.5 deg (180 values)
GetSin wordtable 0, 87, 174, 261, 348, 436, 523, 610, 697, 784, 871, 958, 1045, 1132, 1218, 1305, 1391, 1478, 1564, |
1650, 1736, 1822, 1908, 1993, 2079, 2164, 2249, 2334, 2419, 2503, 2588, 2672, 2756, 2840, 2923, 3007, |
3090, 3173, 3255, 3338, 3420, 3502, 3583, 3665, 3746, 3826, 3907, 3987, 4067, 4146, 4226, 4305, 4383, |
4461, 4539, 4617, 4694, 4771, 4848, 4924, 4999, 5075, 5150, 5224, 5299, 5372, 5446, 5519, 5591, 5664, |
5735, 5807, 5877, 5948, 6018, 6087, 6156, 6225, 6293, 6360, 6427, 6494, 6560, 6626, 6691, 6755, 6819, |
6883, 6946, 7009, 7071, 7132, 7193, 7253, 7313, 7372, 7431, 7489, 7547, 7604, 7660, 7716, 7771, 7826, |
7880, 7933, 7986, 8038, 8090, 8141, 8191, 8241, 8290, 8338, 8386, 8433, 8480, 8526, 8571, 8616, 8660, |
8703, 8746, 8788, 8829, 8870, 8910, 8949, 8987, 9025, 9063, 9099, 9135, 9170, 9205, 9238, 9271, 9304, |
9335, 9366, 9396, 9426, 9455, 9483, 9510, 9537, 9563, 9588, 9612, 9636, 9659, 9681, 9702, 9723, 9743, |
9762, 9781, 9799, 9816, 9832, 9848, 9862, 9876, 9890, 9902, 9914, 9925, 9935, 9945, 9953, 9961, 9969, |
9975, 9981, 9986, 9990, 9993, 9996, 9998, 9999, 10000

'Walking comp tables for 24step:
; GaitLegNr(cLF) = 13
; GaitLegNr(cRR) = 19
; GaitLegNr(cRF) = 1
; GaitLegNr(cLR) = 7
; (RF) (LR) (LF) (RR)
;0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
X_Axis_Shift bytetable 89, 90,100,110,120,130,140,150,151,152,153,152,151,150,140,130,120,110,100, 90, 89, 88, 87, 88, 89,
; (RF) (LR) (LF) (RR)
;0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
Z_Axis_Shift bytetable 130,128,130,132,134,136,138,140,138,136,134,132,130,128,130,132,134,136,138,140,138,136,134,132,130,

;Build tables for Leg configuration like I/O and MIN/MAX values to easy access values using a FOR loop
;Constants are still defined as single values in the cfg file to make it easy to read/configure

;SSC Pin numbers
cCoxaPin byteTable cRRCoxaPin, cRMCoxaPin, cRFCoxaPin, cLRCoxaPin, cLMCoxaPin, cLFCoxaPin
cFemurPin byteTable cRRFemurPin, cRMFemurPin, cRFFemurPin, cLRFemurPin, cLMFemurPin, cLFFemurPin
cTibiaPin byteTable cRRTibiaPin, cRMTibiaPin, cRFTibiaPin, cLRTibiaPin, cLMTibiaPin, cLFTibiaPin
#ifdef c4DOF
cTarsPin byteTable cRRTarsPin, cRMTarsPin, cRFTarsPin, cLRTarsPin, cLMTarsPin, cLFTarsPin

;Min / Max values
cCoxaMin1 swordTable cRRCoxaMin1, cRMCoxaMin1, cRFCoxaMin1, cLRCoxaMin1, cLMCoxaMin1, cLFCoxaMin1
cCoxaMax1 swordTable cRRCoxaMax1, cRMCoxaMax1, cRFCoxaMax1, cLRCoxaMax1, cLMCoxaMax1, cLFCoxaMax1
cFemurMin1 swordTable cRRFemurMin1, cRMFemurMin1, cRFFemurMin1, cLRFemurMin1, cLMFemurMin1, cLFFemurMin1
cFemurMax1 swordTable cRRFemurMax1, cRMFemurMax1, cRFFemurMax1, cLRFemurMax1, cLMFemurMax1, cLFFemurMax1
cTibiaMin1 swordTable cRRTibiaMin1, cRMTibiaMin1, cRFTibiaMin1, cLRTibiaMin1, cLMTibiaMin1, cLFTibiaMin1
cTibiaMax1 swordTable cRRTibiaMax1, cRMTibiaMax1, cRFTibiaMax1, cLRTibiaMax1, cLMTibiaMax1, cLFTibiaMax1
#ifdef c4DOF
cTarsMin1 swordTable cRRTarsMin1, cRMTarsMin1, cRFTarsMin1, cLRTarsMin1, cLMTarsMin1, cLFTarsMin1
cTarsMax1 swordTable cRRTarsMax1, cRMTarsMax1, cRFTarsMax1, cLRTarsMax1, cLMTarsMax1, cLFTarsMax1

;Leg Lengths
cCoxaLength sbyteTable cRRCoxaLength, cRMCoxaLength, cRFCoxaLength, cLRCoxaLength, cLMCoxaLength, cLFCoxaLength
cFemurLength sbyteTable cRRFemurLength, cRMFemurLength, cRFFemurLength, cLRFemurLength, cLMFemurLength, cLFFemurLength
cTibiaLength sbyteTable cRRTibiaLength, cRMTibiaLength, cRFTibiaLength, cLRTibiaLength, cLMTibiaLength, cLFTibiaLength
#ifdef c4DOF
cTarsLength sbytetable cRRTarsLength, cRMTarsLength, cRFTarsLength, cLRTarsLength, cLMTarsLength, cLFTarsLength

;Body Offsets (distance between the center of the body and the center of the coxa)
cOffsetX sbyteTable cRROffsetX, cRMOffsetX, cRFOffsetX, cLROffsetX, cLMOffsetX, cLFOffsetX
cOffsetZ sbyteTable cRROffsetZ, cRMOffsetZ, cRFOffsetZ, cLROffsetZ, cLMOffsetZ, cLFOffsetZ

;Default leg angle
cCoxaAngle1 swordTable cRRCoxaAngle1, cRMCoxaAngle1, cRFCoxaAngle1, cLRCoxaAngle1, cLMCoxaAngle1, cLFCoxaAngle1

;Start positions for the leg
cInitPosX swordTable cRRInitPosX, cRMInitPosX, cRFInitPosX, cLRInitPosX, cLMInitPosX, cLFInitPosX
cInitPosY swordTable cRRInitPosY, cRMInitPosY, cRFInitPosY, cLRInitPosY, cLMInitPosY, cLFInitPosY
cInitPosZ swordTable cRRInitPosZ, cRMInitPosZ, cRFInitPosZ, cLRInitPosZ, cLMInitPosZ, cLFInitPosZ
cTravelDeadZone con 4 ;The deadzone for the analog input from the remote
CoxaAngle1 var sword(6) ;Actual Angle of the horizontal hip, decimals = 1
FemurAngle1 var sword(6) ;Actual Angle of the vertical hip, decimals = 1
TibiaAngle1 var sword(6) ;Actual Angle of the knee, decimals = 1
#ifdef c4DOF
TarsAngle1 var sword(6) ;Actual Angle of the knee, decimals = 1
SLHold var bit ;Single leg control mode

LegPosX var sword(6) ;Actual X Posion of the Leg
LegPosY var sword(6) ;Actual Y Posion of the Leg
LegPosZ var sword(6) ;Actual Z Posion of the Leg
butA var bit
butB var bit
butC var bit

prev_butA var bit
prev_butB var bit
prev_butC var bit
GPStart var byte ;Start the GP Player
GPSeq var byte ;Number of the sequence
GPVerData var byte(3) ;Received data to check the SSC Version
GPEnable var bit ;Enables the GP player when the SSC version ends with “GP”
GPSM var sword ;Speed Multiply ratio ± 200
LedA var bit ;Red
LedB var bit ;Green
LedC var bit ;Orange
Eyes var bit ;Eyes output
Index var byte ;Index universal used
LegIndex var byte ;Index used for leg Index Number

;GetSinCos / ArcCos
AngleDeg1 var sword ;Input Angle in degrees, decimals = 1
ABSAngleDeg1 var word ;Absolute value of the Angle in Degrees, decimals = 1
sin4 var sword ;Output Sinus of the given Angle, decimals = 4
cos4 var sword ;Output Cosinus of the given Angle, decimals = 4
AngleRad4 var sword ;Output Angle in radials, decimals = 4
NegativeValue var bit ;If the the value is Negative

AtanX var sword ;Input X
AtanY var sword ;Input Y
Atan4 var sword ;ArcTan2 output
XYhyp2 var sword ;Output presenting Hypotenuse of X and Y

;Body position
BodyPosX var sbyte ;Global Input for the position of the body
BodyPosY var sword
BodyPosZ var sbyte

;Body Forward Rotation Kinematics
BodyRotX1 var sword ;Global Input pitch of the body
BodyRotY1 var sword ;Global Input rotation of the body
BodyRotZ1 var sword ;Global Input roll of the body
PosX var sword ;Input position of the feet X
PosZ var sword ;Input position of the feet Z
PosY var sword ;Input position of the feet Y
RotationY var sbyte ;Input for rotation of a single feet for the gait
sinA4 var sword ;Sin buffer for BodyRotX calculations
cosA4 var sword ;Cos buffer for BodyRotX calculations
sinB4 var sword ;Sin buffer for BodyRotX calculations
cosB4 var sword ;Cos buffer for BodyRotX calculations
sinG4 var sword ;Sin buffer for BodyRotZ calculations
cosG4 var sword ;Cos buffer for BodyRotZ calculations
CPR_X var sword ;Center Point of Rotation for the body on X axis
CPR_Y var sword ;Center Point of Rotation for the body on Y axis
CPR_Z var sword ;Center Point of Rotation for the body on Z axis
BodyFKPosX var sword ;Output Position X of feet with Rotation
BodyFKPosY var sword ;Output Position Y of feet with Rotation
BodyFKPosZ var sword ;Output Position Z of feet with Rotation
BodyRotOffsetX var sword ;Offset for the Center Point of Rotation for the body
BodyRotOffsetY var sword ;Offset for the Center Point of Rotation for the body
BodyRotOffsetZ var sword ;Offset for the Center Point of Rotation for the body

;Leg Inverse Kinematics
IKFeetPosX var sword ;Input position of the Feet X
IKFeetPosY var sword ;Input position of the Feet Y
IKFeetPosZ var sword ;Input Position of the Feet Z
IKFeetPosXZ var sword ;Diagonal direction from Input X and Z
#ifdef c4DOF
TarsOffsetXZ var sword ;Vector value \ ;
TarsOffsetY var sword ;Vector value / The 2 DOF IK calcs (femur and tibia) are based upon these vectors
TarsToGroundAngle1 var sword ;Angle between tars and ground. Note: the angle are 0 when the tars are perpendicular to the ground
TGA_A_H4 var sword
TGA_B_H3 var sword
TarsOffsetXZ con 0 ;Vector value \ ;
TarsOffsetY con 0 ;Vector value / The 2 DOF IK calcs (femur and tibia) are based upon these vectors
IKSW2 var long ;Length between Shoulder and Wrist, decimals = 2
IKA14 var long ;Angle of the line S>W with respect to the ground in radians, decimals = 4
IKA24 var long ;Angle of the line S>W with respect to the femur in radians, decimals = 4
Temp1 var long
Temp2 var long
IKSolution var bit ;Output true if the solution is possible
IKSolutionWarning var bit ;Output true if the solution is NEARLY possible
IKSolutionError var bit ;Output true if the solution is NOT possible
lCurrentTime var long
lTimerStart var long ;Start time of the calculation cycles
lTimerEnd var long ;End time of the calculation cycles
CycleTime var byte ;Total Cycle time

SSCTime var word ;Time for servo updates
PrevSSCTime var word ;Previous time for the servo updates

InputTimeDelay var byte ;Delay that depends on the input to get the “sneaking” effect
SpeedControl var word ;Adjustible Delay
HexOn var bit ;Switch to turn on Phoenix
Prev_HexOn var bit ;Previous loop state

SafetyShutDown var bit ;If 1 the bot shuts down because the input voltage is to low
Voltage var word ;Voltage value
BalanceMode var bit
TotalTransX var sword
TotalTransZ var sword
TotalTransY var sword
TotalYbal1 var sword
TotalXBal1 var sword
TotalZBal1 var sword
TotalY var sword ;Total Y distance between the center of the body and the feet

;[Single Leg Control]
SelectedLeg var byte
Prev_SelectedLeg var byte
SLLegX var sword
SLLegY var sword
SLLegZ var sword
AllDown var bit

NrOfGaits var nib ;Current amount of Gaits in program
GaitType var byte ;Gait type
NomGaitSpeed var byte ;Nominal speed of the gait

LegLiftHeight var byte ;Current Travel height
TravelLengthX var sword ;Current Travel length X
TravelLengthZ var sword ;Current Travel length Z
TravelRotationY var sword ;Current Travel Rotation Y

TLDivFactor var byte ;Number of steps that a leg is on the floor while walking
NrLiftedPos var nib ;Number of positions that a single leg is lifted (1-3)
HalfLiftHeigth var nib ;3/3, 3/6, 3/4 the outer positions of the ligted legs will be half height
LiftDivFactor var nib ;Normaly: 2, when NrLiftedPos=5: 4

TravelRequest var bit ;Temp to check if the gait is in motion
StepsInGait var byte ;Number of steps in gait
LastLeg var bit ;TRUE when the current leg is the last leg of the sequence
GaitStep var byte ;Actual Gait step

GaitLegNr var byte(6) ;Init position of the leg

GaitLegNrIn var byte ;Input Number of the leg

GaitPosX var sbyte(6) ;Array containing Relative X position corresponding to the Gait
GaitPosY var sbyte(6) ;Array containing Relative Y position corresponding to the Gait
GaitPosZ var sbyte(6) ;Array containing Relative Z position corresponding to the Gait
GaitRotY var sbyte(6) ;Array containing Relative Y rotation corresponding to the Gait

GaitPeak var byte ; Saving the largest (ABS) peak value from GaitPosX,Y,Z and GaitRotY
Walking var bit ; True if the robot are walking


;Checks SSC version number if it ends with “GP”
;enable the GP player if it does
GOSUB CheckGPEnable], GPEnable
pause 10

;Turning off all the leds
LedA = 0
LedB = 0
LedC = 0
Eyes = 0

;Tars Init Positions
for LegIndex = 0 to 5
LegPosX(LegIndex) = cInitPosX(LegIndex) ;Set start positions for each leg
LegPosY(LegIndex) = cInitPosY(LegIndex)
LegPosZ(LegIndex) = cInitPosZ(LegIndex)

;Single leg control. Make sure no leg is selected
SelectedLeg = 255 ; No Leg selected
Prev_SelectedLeg = 255

;Body Positions
BodyPosX = 0
BodyPosY = 0
BodyPosZ = 0

;Body Rotations
BodyRotX1 = 0
BodyRotY1 = 0
BodyRotZ1 = 0

GaitType = 0
BalanceMode = 0
LegLiftHeight = 50
GaitStep = 1
GOSUB GaitSelect

;Initialize Timer
GOSUB InitTimer
enable ;enables all interrupts

;Initialize Controller
gosub InitController

gosub InitIdleProc

SSCTime = 150
HexOn = 0
SafetyShutDown = 0
GPSM = 100 ; default to 100 percent of the speed

'Start time
GOSUB GetCurrentTime], lTimerStart

;Read input
IF NOT SafetyShutDown THEN
GOSUB ControlInput
;GOSUB ReadButtons ;I/O used by the remote
GOSUB WriteOutputs ;Write Outputs
GOSUB CheckVoltage ;Check input voltage

;GP Player
IF GPStart <> 0 THEN Main

;Single leg control
GOSUB SingleLegControl


;Balance calculations
TotalTransX = 0 'reset values used for calculation of balance
TotalTransZ = 0
TotalTransY = 0
TotalXBal1 = 0
TotalYBal1 = 0
TotalZBal1 = 0
IF (BalanceMode>0) THEN
for LegIndex = 0 to 2 ; balance calculations for all Right legs
gosub BalCalcOneLeg -LegPosX(LegIndex)+GaitPosX(LegIndex), |
LegPosZ(LegIndex)+GaitPosZ(LegIndex), |
(LegPosY(LegIndex)-cInitPosY(LegIndex))+GaitPosY(LegIndex), |

for LegIndex = 3 to 5	; balance calculations for all Left legs
  gosub BalCalcOneLeg [LegPosX(LegIndex)+GaitPosX(LegIndex), |
						LegPosZ(LegIndex)+GaitPosZ(LegIndex), |
						(LegPosY(LegIndex)-cInitPosY(LegIndex))+GaitPosY(LegIndex), |
gosub BalanceBody


'Reset IKsolution indicators
IKSolution = 0
IKSolutionWarning = 0
IKSolutionError = 0

;Do IK for all Right legs
for LegIndex = 0 to 2
GOSUB BodyFK -LegPosX(LegIndex)+BodyPosX+GaitPosX(LegIndex) - TotalTransX, |
LegPosZ(LegIndex)+BodyPosZ+GaitPosZ(LegIndex) - TotalTransZ, |
LegPosY(LegIndex)+BodyPosY+GaitPosY(LegIndex) - TotalTransY, |
GaitRotY(LegIndex), LegIndex]
GOSUB LegIK [LegPosX(LegIndex)-BodyPosX+BodyFKPosX-(GaitPosX(LegIndex) - TotalTransX), |
LegPosY(LegIndex)+BodyPosY-BodyFKPosY+GaitPosY(LegIndex) - TotalTransY, |
LegPosZ(LegIndex)+BodyPosZ-BodyFKPosZ+GaitPosZ(LegIndex) - TotalTransZ, LegIndex]

;Do IK for all Left legs
for LegIndex = 3 to 5
GOSUB BodyFK [LegPosX(LegIndex)-BodyPosX+GaitPosX(LegIndex) - TotalTransX, |
LegPosZ(LegIndex)+BodyPosZ+GaitPosZ(LegIndex) - TotalTransZ, |
LegPosY(LegIndex)+BodyPosY+GaitPosY(LegIndex) - TotalTransY, |
GaitRotY(LegIndex), LegIndex]
GOSUB LegIK [LegPosX(LegIndex)+BodyPosX-BodyFKPosX+GaitPosX(LegIndex) - TotalTransX, |
LegPosY(LegIndex)+BodyPosY-BodyFKPosY+GaitPosY(LegIndex) - TotalTransY, |
LegPosZ(LegIndex)+BodyPosZ-BodyFKPosZ+GaitPosZ(LegIndex) - TotalTransZ, LegIndex]

;Check mechanical limits
GOSUB CheckAngles

;Write IK errors to leds
LedC = IKSolutionWarning
LedA = IKSolutionError

;Drive Servos
IF HexOn AND Prev_HexOn=0 THEN
Sound cSpeakerPin,[60\4000,80\4500,100\5000]
Eyes = 1

;Set SSC time
IF(ABS(TravelLengthX)>cTravelDeadZone | ABS(TravelLengthZ)>cTravelDeadZone | ABS(TravelRotationY*2)>cTravelDeadZone) THEN
  SSCTime = NomGaitSpeed + (InputTimeDelay*2) + SpeedControl
  ;Add aditional delay when Balance mode is on
  IF BalanceMode THEN
    SSCTime = SSCTime + 100
ELSE ;Movement speed excl. Walking
  SSCTime = 200 + SpeedControl

; Update servo positions without commiting
GOSUB UpdateServoDriver 

;Sync BAP with SSC while walking to ensure the prev is completed before sending the next one
GaitPeak = 0 ;Reset
LegIndex = 0
; Finding any the biggest value for GaitPos/Rot:
WHILE (LegIndex < 6) AND NOT (GaitPeak > 2);Walking
GaitPeak = ABS(GaitPosX(LegIndex)) MIN |
ABS(GaitPosY(LegIndex)) MIN |
ABS(GaitPosZ(LegIndex)) MIN |
ABS(GaitRotY(LegIndex)) MIN |

  LegIndex = LegIndex+1


IF (GaitPeak > 2) or Walking THEN ; Walking, sync required
Walking = (GaitPeak > 2) ; This make sure the last walking cycle to be synced
;Get endtime and calculate wait time
GOSUB GetCurrentTime], lTimerEnd
GOSUB ConvertTimeMS[lTimerEnd-lTimerStart], CycleTime

   ;Wait for previous commands to be completed while walking
 pause (PrevSSCTime - CycleTime) MIN 1 ;   Min 1 ensures that there alway is a value in the pause command  


; Commit servo positions - Note: moved here by Kurt
GOSUB CommitServoDriver


;Turn the bot off
IF (Prev_HexOn OR NOT AllDown) THEN
  SSCTime = 600
  GOSUB UpdateServoDriver
  GOSUB CommitServoDriver ;Send commit before pause command
  Sound cSpeakerPin,[100\5000,80\4500,60\4000]      
  pause 600
  GOSUB FreeServos
  Eyes = 0

gosub IdleProc


#ifdef NeededHere ;???
; Commit servo positions
GOSUB CommitServoDriver
;Store previous HexOn State
Prev_HexOn = 1
Prev_HexOn = 0

goto main
;goto dead
;[ReadButtons] Reading input buttons from the ABB
input P4
input P5
input P6

prev_butA = butA
prev_butB = butB
prev_butC = butC

butA = IN4
butB = IN5
butC = IN6
;[WriteOutputs] Updates the state of the leds
; IF ledA = 1 THEN
; low p4
; IF ledB = 1 THEN
; low p5
; IF ledC = 1 THEN
; low p6
IF Eyes = 0 THEN
low cEyesPin
high cEyesPin
;Reads the input voltage and shuts down the bot when the power drops
#IFDEF cTurnOffVol
adin cVoltagePin, Voltage ; Battery voltage
Voltage = (Voltage*1955)/1000

IF (NOT SafetyShutDown) THEN
	IF (Voltage < cTurnOffVol) OR (Voltage >= 1999) THEN
		;Turn off
  		BodyPosX = 0
  		BodyPosY = 0
  		BodyPosZ = 0
  		BodyRotX = 0
  		BodyRotY = 0
  		BodyRotZ = 0
  		TravelLengthX = 0
  		TravelLengthZ = 0
  		TravelRotationY = 0
  		SelectedLeg = 255
  		SafetyShutDown = 1
  		HexOn = 0
  Sound cSpeakerPin,[45\1000]
  pause 2000


;Check if all legs are down
AllDown = LegPosY(cRF)=cInitPosY(cRF) & LegPosY(cRM)=cInitPosY(cRM) & LegPosY(cRR)=cInitPosY(cRR) & LegPosY(cLR)=cInitPosY(cLR) & LegPosY(cLM)=cInitPosY(cLM) & LegPosY(cLF)=cInitPosY(cLF)

IF (SelectedLeg>=0 AND SelectedLeg<=5) THEN
IF(SelectedLeg<>Prev_SelectedLeg) THEN

  IF(AllDown)THEN ;Lift leg a bit when it got selected
    LegPosY(SelectedLeg) = cInitPosY(SelectedLeg)-20  
	;Store current status
	Prev_SelectedLeg = SelectedLeg	         
  ELSE ;Return prev leg back to the init position
    LegPosX(Prev_SelectedLeg) = cInitPosX(Prev_SelectedLeg)
    LegPosY(Prev_SelectedLeg) = cInitPosY(Prev_SelectedLeg)
    LegPosZ(Prev_SelectedLeg) = cInitPosZ(Prev_SelectedLeg)
  LegPosY(SelectedLeg) = LegPosY(SelectedLeg)+SLLegY
  LegPosX(SelectedLeg) = cInitPosX(SelectedLeg)+SLLegX
  LegPosZ(SelectedLeg) = cInitPosZ(SelectedLeg)+SLLegZ      

ELSE ;All legs to init position
for LegIndex = 0 to 5
LegPosX(LegIndex) = cInitPosX(LegIndex)
LegPosY(LegIndex) = cInitPosY(LegIndex)
LegPosZ(LegIndex) = cInitPosZ(LegIndex)
IF Prev_SelectedLeg<>255 THEN
Prev_SelectedLeg = 255

;Configure number of gaits in code
NrOfGaits = 5

;Gait selector
Branch GaitType, [Ripple12, Tripod8, Tripod12, Tripod16, Wave24]
return ;index of GaitType does not exist

Ripple12: ;Ripple Gait 12 steps
GaitLegNr(cLR) = 1
GaitLegNr(cRF) = 3
GaitLegNr(cLM) = 5
GaitLegNr(cRR) = 7
GaitLegNr(cLF) = 9
GaitLegNr(cRM) = 11

NrLiftedPos = 3
HalfLiftHeigth = 3 ; -LegLiftHeight/2 
TLDivFactor = 8	  
StepsInGait = 12	
NomGaitSpeed = 70


Tripod8: ;Tripod 8 steps
GaitLegNr(cLR) = 5
GaitLegNr(cRF) = 1
GaitLegNr(cLM) = 1
GaitLegNr(cRR) = 1
GaitLegNr(cLF) = 5
GaitLegNr(cRM) = 5

NrLiftedPos = 3
HalfLiftHeigth = 3; -LegLiftHeight/2 	
TLDivFactor = 4	  
StepsInGait = 8	    
NomGaitSpeed = 70


Tripod12: ;Triple Tripod 12 steps
GaitLegNr(cRF) = 3
GaitLegNr(cLM) = 4
GaitLegNr(cRR) = 5
GaitLegNr(cLF) = 9
GaitLegNr(cRM) = 10
GaitLegNr(cLR) = 11

NrLiftedPos = 3
HalfLiftHeigth = 3 	
TLDivFactor = 8  
StepsInGait = 12	    
NomGaitSpeed = 60


Tripod16: ;Triple Tripod 16 steps, use 5 lifted positions!
GaitLegNr(cRF) = 4
GaitLegNr(cLM) = 5
GaitLegNr(cRR) = 6
GaitLegNr(cLF) = 12
GaitLegNr(cRM) = 13
GaitLegNr(cLR) = 14

NrLiftedPos = 5
HalfLiftHeigth = 1 ;-LegLiftHeight*(3/4) 	
TLDivFactor = 10  
StepsInGait = 16	    
NomGaitSpeed = 60


Wave24: ;Wave 24 steps
GaitLegNr(cLR) = 1
GaitLegNr(cRF) = 21
GaitLegNr(cLM) = 5

GaitLegNr(cRR) = 13
GaitLegNr(cLF) = 9
GaitLegNr(cRM) = 17
NrLiftedPos = 3
HalfLiftHeigth = 3	
TLDivFactor = 20	  
StepsInGait = 24	    
NomGaitSpeed = 70


return ;should never come here
;[GAIT Sequence]

;Check IF the Gait is in motion
TravelRequest = ((ABS(TravelLengthX)>cTravelDeadZone) | (ABS(TravelLengthZ)>cTravelDeadZone) | (ABS(TravelRotationY)>cTravelDeadZone) )
BodyPosX = (X_Axis_Shift(GaitStep))-128
BodyPosZ = (Z_Axis_Shift(GaitStep))-128

IF NrLiftedPos = 5 THEN
LiftDivFactor = 4
LiftDivFactor = 2

;Calculate Gait sequence
LastLeg = 0
for LegIndex = 0 to 5 ; for all legs

if LegIndex = 5 then ; last leg
  LastLeg = 1 

GOSUB Gait [LegIndex] 

next ; next leg
GaitCurrentLegNr var nib
Gait [GaitCurrentLegNr]

BodyPosX = (X_Axis_Shift(GaitStep))-128
BodyPosZ = (Z_Axis_Shift(GaitStep))-128

;Clear values under the cTravelDeadZone
IF (TravelRequest=0) THEN

;Leg middle up position
;Gait in motion Gait NOT in motion, return to home position
IF (TravelRequest & (NrLiftedPos=1 | NrLiftedPos=3 | NrLiftedPos=5) & GaitStep=GaitLegNr(GaitCurrentLegNr)) | (NOT TravelRequest & GaitStep=GaitLegNr(GaitCurrentLegNr) & ((ABS(GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr))>2) | (ABS(GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr))>2) | (ABS(GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr))>2))) THEN ;Up
GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) = 0
GaitPosY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -LegLiftHeight
GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr) = 0
GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = 0

;Optional Half heigth Rear (2, 3, 5 lifted positions)
ELSEIF ((NrLiftedPos=2 & GaitStep=GaitLegNr(GaitCurrentLegNr)) | (NrLiftedPos>=3 & (GaitStep=GaitLegNr(GaitCurrentLegNr)-1 | GaitStep=GaitLegNr(GaitCurrentLegNr)+(StepsInGait-1)))) & TravelRequest
GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -TravelLengthX/LiftDivFactor
GaitPosY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -3*LegLiftHeight/(3+HalfLiftHeigth) ; Easier to shift between div factor: /1 (3/3), /2 (3/6) and 3/4
GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -TravelLengthZ/LiftDivFactor
GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -TravelRotationY/LiftDivFactor

;Optional Half heigth front (2, 3, 5 lifted positions)
ELSEIF (NrLiftedPos>=2) & (GaitStep=GaitLegNr(GaitCurrentLegNr)+1 | GaitStep=GaitLegNr(GaitCurrentLegNr)-(StepsInGait-1)) & TravelRequest
GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) = TravelLengthX/LiftDivFactor
GaitPosY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -3*LegLiftHeight/(3+HalfLiftHeigth) ; Easier to shift between div factor: /1 (3/3), /2 (3/6) and 3/4
GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr) = TravelLengthZ/LiftDivFactor
GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = TravelRotationY/LiftDivFactor

;Optional Half heigth Rear 5 LiftedPos (5 lifted positions)
ELSEIF ((NrLiftedPos=5 & (GaitStep=GaitLegNr(GaitCurrentLegNr)-2 ))) & TravelRequest
GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -TravelLengthX/2
GaitPosY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -LegLiftHeight/2
GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -TravelLengthZ/2
GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -TravelRotationY/2

;Optional Half heigth Front 5 LiftedPos (5 lifted positions)
ELSEIF (NrLiftedPos=5) & (GaitStep=GaitLegNr(GaitCurrentLegNr)+2 | GaitStep=GaitLegNr(GaitCurrentLegNr)-(StepsInGait-2)) & TravelRequest
GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) = TravelLengthX/2
GaitPosY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = -LegLiftHeight/2
GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr) = TravelLengthZ/2
GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = TravelRotationY/2

;Leg front down position
ELSEIF (GaitStep=GaitLegNr(GaitCurrentLegNr)+NrLiftedPos | GaitStep=GaitLegNr(GaitCurrentLegNr)-(StepsInGait-NrLiftedPos)) & GaitPosY(GaitCurrentLegNr)<0
GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) = TravelLengthX/2
GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr) = TravelLengthZ/2
GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = TravelRotationY/2
GaitPosY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = 0 ;Only move leg down at once if terrain adaption is turned off

;Move body forward
GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) = GaitPosX(GaitCurrentLegNr) - (TravelLengthX/TLDivFactor)
GaitPosY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = 0
GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr) = GaitPosZ(GaitCurrentLegNr) - (TravelLengthZ/TLDivFactor)
GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr) = GaitRotY(GaitCurrentLegNr) - (TravelRotationY/TLDivFactor)

;Advance to the next step
IF LastLeg THEN ;The last leg in this step
GaitStep = GaitStep+1
IF GaitStep>StepsInGait THEN
GaitStep = 1

BalLegNr var nib
BalCalcOneLeg [PosX, PosZ, PosY, BalLegNr]
;Calculating centerpoint (of rotation) of the body to the feet
CPR_Z = cOffsetZ(BalLegNr)+PosZ
CPR_X = cOffsetX(BalLegNr)+PosX
CPR_Y = 150 + PosY’ using the value 150 to lower the centerpoint of rotation 'BodyPosY +
TotalTransY = TotalTransY + PosY
TotalTransZ = TotalTransZ + CPR_Z
TotalTransX = TotalTransX + CPR_X

gosub GetATan2 [CPR_X, CPR_Z]
TotalYbal1 = TotalYbal1 + (ATan4*1800) / 31415

gosub GetATan2 [CPR_X, CPR_Y]
TotalZbal1 = TotalZbal1 + ((ATan4*1800) / 31415) -900 'Rotate balance circle 90 deg

gosub GetATan2 [CPR_Z, CPR_Y]
TotalXbal1 = TotalXbal1 + ((ATan4*1800) / 31415) - 900 'Rotate balance circle 90 deg

TotalTransZ = TotalTransZ/6
TotalTransX = TotalTransX/6
TotalTransY = TotalTransY/6

if TotalYbal1 > 0 then		'Rotate balance circle by +/- 180 deg
	TotalYbal1 = TotalYbal1 - 1800
	TotalYbal1 = TotalYbal1 + 1800
if TotalZbal1 < -1800 then	'Compensate for extreme balance positions that causes owerflow
	TotalZbal1 = TotalZbal1 + 3600

if TotalXbal1 < -1800 then	'Compensate for extreme balance positions that causes owerflow
	TotalXbal1 = TotalXbal1 + 3600

;Balance rotation
TotalYBal1 = -TotalYbal1/6
TotalXBal1 = -TotalXbal1/6
TotalZBal1 = TotalZbal1/6

;[GETSINCOS] Get the sinus and cosinus from the angle +/- multiple circles
;AngleDeg1 - Input Angle in degrees
;Sin4 - Output Sinus of AngleDeg
;Cos4 - Output Cosinus of AngleDeg
;Get the absolute value of AngleDeg
IF AngleDeg1 < 0 THEN
ABSAngleDeg1 = AngleDeg1 *-1
ABSAngleDeg1 = AngleDeg1

;Shift rotation to a full circle of 360 deg -> AngleDeg // 360
IF AngleDeg1 < 0 THEN	;Negative values
	AngleDeg1 = 3600-(ABSAngleDeg1-(3600*(ABSAngleDeg1/3600)))
ELSE				;Positive values
	AngleDeg1 = ABSAngleDeg1-(3600*(ABSAngleDeg1/3600))

IF (AngleDeg1>=0 AND AngleDeg1<=900) THEN	; 0 to 90 deg
	Sin4 = GetSin(AngleDeg1/5) 			; 5 is the presision (0.5) of the table
	Cos4 = GetSin((900-(AngleDeg1))/5) 	
ELSEIF (AngleDeg1>900 AND AngleDeg1<=1800) 	; 90 to 180 deg
	Sin4 = GetSin((900-(AngleDeg1-900))/5) ; 5 is the presision (0.5) of the table	
	Cos4 = -GetSin((AngleDeg1-900)/5)			
ELSEIF (AngleDeg1>1800 AND AngleDeg1<=2700) ; 180 to 270 deg
	Sin4 = -GetSin((AngleDeg1-1800)/5) 	; 5 is the presision (0.5) of the table
	Cos4 = -GetSin((2700-AngleDeg1)/5)
ELSEIF (AngleDeg1>2700 AND AngleDeg1<=3600) ; 270 to 360 deg
	Sin4 = -GetSin((3600-AngleDeg1)/5) ; 5 is the presision (0.5) of the table	
	Cos4 = GetSin((AngleDeg1-2700)/5)			

;[GETARCCOS] Get the sinus and cosinus from the angle +/- multiple circles
;Cos4 - Input Cosinus
;AngleRad4 - Output Angle in AngleRad4
;Check for negative value
IF (Cos4<0) THEN
Cos4 = -Cos4
NegativeValue = 1
NegativeValue = 0

;Limit Cos4 to his maximal value
Cos4 = (Cos4 max c4DEC)

IF (Cos4>=0 AND Cos4<9000) THEN
AngleRad4 = GetACos(Cos4/79) ;79=table resolution (1/127)
AngleRad4 = AngleRad4*616/c1DEC ;616=acos resolution (pi/2/255)

ELSEIF (Cos4>=9000 AND Cos4<9900)
AngleRad4 = GetACos((Cos4-9000)/8+114) ;8=table resolution (0.1/127), 114 start address 2nd bytetable range
AngleRad4 = AngleRad4*616/c1DEC ;616=acos resolution (pi/2/255)

ELSEIF (Cos4>=9900 AND Cos4<=10000)
AngleRad4 = GetACos((Cos4-9900)/2+227) ;2=table resolution (0.01/64), 227 start address 3rd bytetable range
AngleRad4 = AngleRad4*616/c1DEC ;616=acos resolution (pi/2/255)

;Add negative sign
IF NegativeValue THEN
AngleRad4 = 31416 - AngleRad4

return AngleRad4
;[GETATAN2] Simplyfied ArcTan2 function based on fixed point ArcCos
;ArcTanX - Input X
;ArcTanY - Input Y
;ArcTan4 - Output ARCTAN2(X/Y)
;XYhyp2 - Output presenting Hypotenuse of X and Y
GetAtan2 [AtanX, AtanY]
XYhyp2 = SQR ((AtanXAtanXc4DEC) + (AtanYAtanYc4DEC))
GOSUB GetArcCos [AtanX*c6DEC / XYHyp2]

Atan4 = AngleRad4 * (AtanY/ABS(AtanY)) ;Add sign
return Atan4
;BodyRotX - Global Input pitch of the body
;BodyRotY - Global Input rotation of the body
;BodyRotZ - Global Input roll of the body
;RotationY - Input Rotation for the gait
;PosX - Input position of the feet X
;PosZ - Input position of the feet Z
;SinB - Sin buffer for BodyRotX
;CosB - Cos buffer for BodyRotX
;SinG - Sin buffer for BodyRotZ
;CosG - Cos buffer for BodyRotZ
;BodyFKPosX - Output Position X of feet with Rotation
;BodyFKPosY - Output Position Y of feet with Rotation
;BodyFKPosZ - Output Position Z of feet with Rotation
BodyFKLeg var nib
BodyFK [PosX, PosZ, PosY, RotationY, BodyFKLeg]

;Calculating totals from center of the body to the feet
CPR_X = cOffsetX(BodyFKLeg)+PosX + BodyRotOffsetX
CPR_Y = PosY + BodyRotOffsetY ; Define centerpoint for rotation along the Y-axis
CPR_Z = cOffsetZ(BodyFKLeg) + PosZ + BodyRotOffsetZ

;Successive global rotation matrix:
;Math shorts for rotation: Alfa (A) = Xrotate, Beta (B) = Zrotate, Gamma (G) = Yrotate
;Sinus Alfa = sinA, cosinus Alfa = cosA. and so on…

;First calculate sinus and cosinus for each rotation:
GOSUB GetSinCos [BodyRotX1+TotalXBal1]
SinG4 = Sin4
CosG4 = Cos4

GOSUB GetSinCos [BodyRotZ1+TotalZBal1]
SinB4 = Sin4
CosB4 = Cos4

GOSUB GetSinCos [BodyRotY1+(RotationY*c1DEC)+TotalYBal1]
SinA4 = Sin4
CosA4 = Cos4

;Calcualtion of rotation matrix:
BodyFKPosX = (CPR_Xc2DEC - ( CPR_Xc2DECCosA4/c4DECCosB4/c4DEC - CPR_Zc2DECCosB4/c4DECSinA4/c4DEC + CPR_Yc2DECSinB4/c4DEC ))/c2DEC
BodyFKPosZ = (CPR_Z
c2DEC - ( CPR_Xc2DECCosG4/c4DECSinA4/c4DEC + CPR_Xc2DECCosA4/c4DECSinB4/c4DECSinG4/c4DEC + CPR_Zc2DECCosA4/c4DECCosG4/c4DEC - CPR_Zc2DECSinA4/c4DECSinB4/c4DECSinG4/c4DEC - CPR_Yc2DECCosB4/c4DECSinG4/c4DEC ))/c2DEC
BodyFKPosY = (CPR_Y c2DEC - ( CPR_Xc2DEC
SinA4/c4DECSinG4/c4DEC - CPR_Xc2DECCosA4/c4DECCosG4/c4DECSinB4/c4DEC + CPR_Zc2DECCosA4/c4DECSinG4/c4DEC + CPR_Zc2DECCosG4/c4DECSinA4/c4DECSinB4/c4DEC + CPR_Yc2DECCosB4/c4DEC*CosG4/c4DEC ))/c2DEC
;[LEG INVERSE KINEMATICS] Calculates the angles of the coxa, femur and tibia for the given position of the feet
;IKFeetPosX - Input position of the Feet X
;IKFeetPosY - Input position of the Feet Y
;IKFeetPosZ - Input Position of the Feet Z
;IKSolution - Output true IF the solution is possible
;IKSolutionWarning - Output true IF the solution is NEARLY possible
;IKSolutionError - Output true IF the solution is NOT possible
;FemurAngle1 - Output Angle of Femur in degrees
;TibiaAngle1 - Output Angle of Tibia in degrees
;CoxaAngle1 - Output Angle of Coxa in degrees
LegIKLegNr var nib
LegIK [IKFeetPosX, IKFeetPosY, IKFeetPosZ, LegIKLegNr]

;Calculate IKCoxaAngle and IKFeetPosXZ
GOSUB GetATan2 [IKFeetPosX, IKFeetPosZ]
CoxaAngle1(LegIKLegNr) = ((ATan4*180) / 3141) + cCoxaAngle1(LegIKLegNr)

;Length between the Coxa and tars (foot)
IKFeetPosXZ = XYhyp2/c2DEC

; Some legs may have the 4th DOF and some may not, so handle this here...

#ifdef c4DOF
;Calc the TarsToGroundAngle1:
TarsToGroundAngle1 = -cTarsConst + cTarsMultiIKFeetPosY + (IKFeetPosXZcTarsFactorA)/c1DEC - ((IKFeetPosXZIKFeetPosY)/(cTarsFactorB))
IF IKFeetPosY < 0 THEN ;Always compensate TarsToGroundAngle1 when IKFeetPosY it goes below zero
TarsToGroundAngle1 = TarsToGroundAngle1 - ((IKFeetPosY
cTarsFactorC)/c1DEC); TGA base, overall rule
IF TarsToGroundAngle1 > 400 THEN ;
TGA_B_H3 = 200 + (TarsToGroundAngle1/2)
TGA_B_H3 = TarsToGroundAngle1
IF TarsToGroundAngle1 > 300 THEN ;
TGA_A_H4 = 240 + (TarsToGroundAngle1/5)
TGA_A_H4 = TarsToGroundAngle1
IF IKFeetPosY > 0 THEN ;Only compensate the TarsToGroundAngle1 when it exceed 30 deg (A, H4 PEP note)
TarsToGroundAngle1 = TGA_A_H4
ELSEIF ((IKFeetPosY <= 0) & (IKFeetPosY > -10)); linear transition between case H3 and H4 (from PEP: H4-K5*(H3-H4))
TarsToGroundAngle1 = (TGA_A_H4 -((IKFeetPosY*(TGA_B_H3-TGA_A_H4))/c1DEC))
ELSE ;IKFeetPosY <= -10, Only compensate TGA1 when it exceed 40 deg
TarsToGroundAngle1 = TGA_B_H3

;Calc Tars Offsets:
GOSUB GetSinCos [TarsToGroundAngle1] 
TarsOffsetXZ = (Sin4*cTarsLength(LegIKLegNr))/c4DEC
TarsOffsetY = (Cos4*cTarsLength(LegIKLegNr))/c4DEC	


;Using GetAtan2 for solving IKA1 and IKSW
;IKA14 - Angle between SW line and the ground in radians
GOSUB GetATan2 [IKFeetPosY-TarsOffsetY, IKFeetPosXZ-cCoxaLength(LegIKLegNr)-TarsOffsetXZ], IKA14

;IKSW2 - Length between femur axis and tars
IKSW2 = XYhyp2

;IKA2 - Angle of the line S>W with respect to the femur in radians
Temp1 = (((cFemurLength(LegIKLegNr)*cFemurLength(LegIKLegNr)) - (cTibiaLength(LegIKLegNr)*cTibiaLength(LegIKLegNr)))*c4DEC + (IKSW2*IKSW2))
Temp2 = ((2*cFemurLength(LegIKLegNr))*c2DEC * IKSW2)
GOSUB GetArcCos [Temp1 / (Temp2/c4DEC) ], IKA24	

FemurAngle1(LegIKLegNr) = -(IKA14 + IKA24) * 180 / 3141 + 900

Temp1 = (((cFemurLength(LegIKLegNr)*cFemurLength(LegIKLegNr)) + (cTibiaLength(LegIKLegNr)*cTibiaLength(LegIKLegNr)))*c4DEC - (IKSW2*IKSW2))
Temp2 = (2*cFemurLength(LegIKLegNr)*cTibiaLength(LegIKLegNr))
GOSUB GetArcCos [Temp1 / Temp2]
TibiaAngle1(LegIKLegNr) = -(900-AngleRad4*180/3141)

#ifdef c4DOF
;Tars angle
TarsAngle1(LegIKLegNr) = (TarsToGroundAngle1 + FemurAngle1(LegIKLegNr) - TibiaAngle1(LegIKLegNr))

;Set the Solution quality	
IF(IKSW2 < (cFemurLength(LegIKLegNr)+cTibiaLength(LegIKLegNr)-30)*c2DEC) THEN
	IKSolution = 1
	IF(IKSW2 < (cFemurLength(LegIKLegNr)+cTibiaLength(LegIKLegNr))*c2DEC) THEN
		IKSolutionWarning = 1
		IKSolutionError = 1	

;[CHECK ANGLES] Checks the mechanical limits of the servos

for LegIndex = 0 to 5
CoxaAngle1(LegIndex) = (CoxaAngle1(LegIndex) min cCoxaMin1(LegIndex)) max cCoxaMax1(LegIndex)
FemurAngle1(LegIndex) = (FemurAngle1(LegIndex) min cFemurMin1(LegIndex)) max cFemurMax1(LegIndex)
TibiaAngle1(LegIndex) = (TibiaAngle1(LegIndex) min cTibiaMin1(LegIndex)) max cTibiaMax1(LegIndex)
#ifdef c4DOF
TarsAngle1(LegIndex) = (TarsAngle1(LegIndex) min cTarsMin1(LegIndex)) max cTarsMax1(LegIndex)

; Calculates the PWM values for the given Leg
cPwmDiv con 991 ;old 1059;
cPFConst con 592 ;old 650 ; 900*(1000/cPwmDiv)+cPFConst must always be 1500
;A PWM/deg factor of 10,09 give cPwmDiv = 991 and cPFConst = 592
;For a modified 5645 (to 180 deg travel): cPwmDiv = 1500 and cPFConst = 900.
CoxaPWM var word
FemurPWM var word
TibiaPWM var word
#ifdef c4DOF
TarsPWM var word

GetPWMValues [LegIndex]

;Update Right Legs
if LegIndex <= 2 then
CoxaPWM = (-CoxaAngle1(LegIndex) +900)*1000/cPwmDiv+cPFConst
FemurPWM = (-FemurAngle1(LegIndex)+900)*1000/cPwmDiv+cPFConst
TibiaPWM = (-TibiaAngle1(LegIndex)+900)*1000/cPwmDiv+cPFConst
#ifdef c4DOF
TarsPWM = (-TarsAngle1(LegIndex)+900)*1000/cPwmDiv+cPFConst
;Update Left Legs
CoxaPWM = (CoxaAngle1(LegIndex) +900)*1000/cPwmDiv+cPFConst
FemurPWM = (FemurAngle1(LegIndex)+900)*1000/cPwmDiv+cPFConst
TibiaPWM = (TibiaAngle1(LegIndex)+900)*1000/cPwmDiv+cPFConst
#ifdef c4DOF
TarsPWM = (-TarsAngle1(LegIndex)+900)*1000/cPwmDiv+cPFConst

need to change the wave gait to this:

[code] Wave24: ;Wave 24 steps
GaitLegNr(cLR) = 1
GaitLegNr(cRF) = 21
GaitLegNr(cRR) = 13
GaitLegNr(cLF) = 9

NrLiftedPos = 3
HalfLiftHeigth = 0
TLDivFactor = 20
StepsInGait = 24
NomGaitSpeed = 100

Ahh i see.

also need to remove the two lines wse added here as we have moved this to GaitSeq.
GaitCurrentLegNr var nib
Gait [GaitCurrentLegNr]

BodyPosX = (X_Axis_Shift(GaitStep))-128
BodyPosZ = (Z_Axis_Shift(GaitStep))-128
;Clear values under the cTravelDeadZone
IF (TravelRequest=0) THEN

to make things easy i removed all the other gaits:
need to change the NrOfGaits to 1

;Configure number of gaits in code
NrOfGaits = 1

;Gait selector
Branch GaitType, [Wave24]
return ;index of GaitType does not exist

Wave24: ;Wave 24 steps
GaitLegNr(cLR) = 1
GaitLegNr(cRF) = 21
GaitLegNr(cRR) = 13
GaitLegNr(cLF) = 9

NrLiftedPos = 3
HalfLiftHeigth = 0
TLDivFactor = 20
StepsInGait = 24
NomGaitSpeed = 100

return ;should never come here[/code]

no problem, i changed the order of the gaits to start with wave, im programming at the moment.

Edit: Still the same wiggling, ill try removing all the gaits and just keep one.

yes, you will also need to change or modify the tables so the ranges work with your leg and body dimentions.

; (RF) (LR) (LF) (RR) ;0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, X_Axis_Shift bytetable 89, 90,100,110,120,130,140,150,151,152,153,152,151,150,140,130,120,110,100, 90, 89, 88, 87, 88, 89, ; (RF) (LR) (LF) (RR) ;0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, Z_Axis_Shift bytetable 130,128,130,132,134,136,138,140,138,136,134,132,130,128,130,132,134,136,138,140,138,136,134,132,130,

i beleive that X_Axis_Shift / Z_Axis_Shift are at center (no shift) at 128.

best to change all the values in the table to 128 and then start to change them ± of 128 and see what directions the body is shifting in. then you can work out what values you need.

; (RF) (LR) (LF) (RR) ;0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, X_Axis_Shift bytetable 128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128, ; (RF) (LR) (LF) (RR) ;0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, Z_Axis_Shift bytetable 128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,

Hmm, i don’t think removing the other gaits was a healthy step, now the robot wiggles then beeps twice then start wiggling again. I’ll put them back and see if that was the problem or not.

your core file is the updated copy of what i used. some features are different and so i was expecting that.
you could look through the code and figure out why.
yes just put them back in but make sure my Wave 24 is selected first.

oops, my bad, that was just the battery dying. I gotta recharge then run the tests again xD .

lol… might explain the jiggle and beep.

let me know how you get on…