Hello guys... here is the thing :)
I have this part of the code
void go_hard(int speedLeft, int speedRight)
speedLeft = constrain(speedLeft, -254, 254);
speedRight = constrain(speedRight, -254, 254);
if (speedLeft > 0)
digitalWrite(12, LOW);
analogWrite(mleft, speedLeft);
digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
analogWrite(mleft, -speedLeft);
if (speedRight > 0)
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
analogWrite(mright, speedRight);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
analogWrite(mright, -speedRight);
it just doesn't give me these set values... sometimes it jumps even over 800 or under -600
I have a qtra.readLine made via QTRSensors...
for example
position = qtra.ReadLine(6);
this should return values between 0 and 5000;
now my target is 2500
so position = position - 2500;
and than scale by 500;
i should get values between -5 and 5... but well you see... sometimes I got readings of - 50 and 50..
now the problem is that this is bad, because, i work with signed everywhere... possible that, when this maked a calculation will hit some
anyway I think I will do the trick maybe other way...
if you have ideea why I got sometimes this values... please help...