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No prizes for guessing what it is.



It looks like …

an Easter Egg crossed with Pinhead and Lady Gaga’s meat dress.

Like it :smiley:

Like it :smiley:

I am guessing it is…



Is it a fiber optic display?

Close :wink:

Close :wink:

Mr. Potato Red?

Mr. Potato Red?

obviously it’s a mass of

obviously it’s a mass of clay & fiberoptics resembling a brain.

Stepped on one of those once…

Obviously its a cactus from the alien planet of Zithrod

Ouch! That must have been

Ouch! That must have been painful.

Choose your prize.

Cuddly toy or goldfish in a bag?

How long can goldfish hold

How long can goldfish hold their breath? it’s quite a long flight to the Netherlands :wink:


And airports don’t like cuddly toys :wink:

I know what that cerebellum

I know what that cerebellum is for! I like the electrode looking optic thingys.

I fear your brain will trump the brain I’ve been Frankensteining…

You don’t need to worry, Jax

It actually didn’t turn out as well as I’d hoped.